Silk Road Auction Could Help Bitcoin Price Bounce Back

Silk Road Auction Could Help Bitcoin Price Bounce Back

THELOGICALINDIAN - Since our aftermost amount allotment bitcoin has gainedanother two dollars in amount and is aerial at about 590 as of columnist time While developments surrounding the contempo Bitfinex drudge may accept annoyed traders aplomb in bitcoin an accessible Silk Road bargain could advance theprice aback over 600

Also read: Is the Bitcoin Price Recovering from the Bitfinex Hack?

“Bitcoin amount is gradually abutting $600,” one antecedent mentions. “Could beforehand abide immediately? Possibly, but with a few obstacles to consider.”

One of those obstacles involves apathetic amount indicators. Since the Bitfinex drudge aftermost week, amount archive are assuming bitcoin as a growing currency, but already the price hits $600, it’s acceptable to break there for some time, and added advancements could abort to accommodated our expectations.


Another barricade to bitcoin’s success could be a consecutive acceleration in altcoin prices. With bitcoin’s contempo fall, and assurance measures already afresh actuality questioned, altcoins could acquire their moment in the spotlight, which may account bitcoin to visit the banking Southland already again. Bitfinex is alike creating a specific altcoin, BFXcoin, to awning its losses amid users and gradually footfall aback into the market:

The move may get things aback on track, at atomic for a while, but it could additionally briefly arrest bitcoin’s domination.

Silk Road Auction

One ray of achievement exists in the new bargain set to booty abode by way of the U.S. Marshals Service. Nearly 3,000 bitcoins calm from alternating Silk Road cases will be auctioned on August 22. Interested parties are required to annals by August 18.

silk road

This will be the fifth USMS bitcoin bargain back the summer of 2014. The majority of bitcoins calm for those contest came anon from Ross Ulbricht, the administrator abaft Silk Road. This time, it’s a altered scenario. Less than three of the bitcoins actuality offered are from Ulbricht’s claimed stash, while the actual cardinal acquire from assorted cases surrounding the atramentous market’s closure.

In the past, bitcoin auctions accept helped about-face the amount around, alike if alone temporarily, and abounding admiration if this new bargain will buck agnate results. If it does, we may be advised to addition bitcoin fasten actual soon.

Will Bitcoin hit $600 afresh soon? Post your thoughts and comments below!

Image credits: Nakamoto Institute, Bitfinex.