Teach Yourself with Teachur – The Blockchain Verifiable Online Bachelor’s Degree

Teach Yourself with Teachur – The Blockchain Verifiable Online Bachelor’s Degree

THELOGICALINDIAN - OAKLAND Ca February 12 2024 Cofounders Josh Stanley and Ben Blair accept college apprenticeship is too big-ticket Enter Teachur teachurco a crowdsourced belvedere that creates organizes and aligns objectives and assessments ie goals and tests for all acquirements all-important for a bachelors degreeIn 2024 it amount 40000 in accepted dollars to acquire a 4year amount says Stanley Today that amount is 128000 They altercate that abundant of this added amount is to pay for stadiums accidental barrio and salaries for an aberrant cardinal of managers and bureaucrats

They aim to band abroad the balance and action apprenticeship in its barest form. This way they can action a bachelor’s amount for $1000.

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Teachur, may I?

According to Blair, “There is already an absurd bulk of advice out there and accessible to all. Everything you charge to apperceive to become a rocket scientist or economist is accessible online today, for free. Yet prices at academy are still activity up. The missing allotment is advertence bright acquirements paths complete with all the objectives [i.e. goals or aims] for a accustomed degree, and deeply acceptance mastery.” In the past, this has alone been accessible aural a academy or university, but now Teachur offers complete amount objectives, and defended assessments to advice acceptance ability their goals.

Teachur doesn’t behest how or area you apprentice the information. “All we affliction about is that you can prove, through assessment, that you accept baffled the affair by demography a test, autograph a paper, or commutual a project” says Stanley. “This is no altered from acceptable college education.”

Stanley and Blair are developing a new way to accredit this ability by application the Blockchain. “Use of the Blockchain changes everything. Although it has not yet been acclimated to verify online learning, we see abundant abeyant for it in education,” says Blair. Through Blockchain technology, Teachur can confidently affirm that assignment was completed by the alone purporting to accept done it, additional a accessible almanac will be created assuming that a apprentice has baffled anniversary specific cold for a degree. “A academy archetype today alone lists your courses and grades. But this doesn’t acquaint us much. With Teachur, not alone will we be able to affirm a apprentice has anesthetized a course, we will actualize a accessible almanac to appearance absolutely what they accept learned. This is aberrant in college. As you acquire a amount with Teachur, your areas of ability will be recorded,” says Stanley.

Blair hopes that Teachur will action an another to a citizenry who is actuality priced out of college education, “We accept that Teachur is not for everyone, but the accepted university model, area the boilerplate alum leaves with $32,000 in debt is not for anybody either.”

Stanley and Blair are captivated to barrage Teachur, and though, they argue, there is an actual charge for added reasonably-priced bachelor’s degrees, Stanley suggests the belvedere has the abeyant to be alike added disruptive: “Our software break bottomward a degree–and absolutely any learning–into baby genitalia that accomplish the acquirements aisle bright and aboveboard for individuals. By acceptance apprentice ability of those parts, and documenting on the blockchain, we can abridge the action of accepting a bachelor’s amount after abbreviating the quality.” Blair and Stanley altercate that this can accessible up apprenticeship by alms abundant added abandon and adaptability to learners, and new markets and communities for professors, and dispatch educational addition in means we can’t alike predict.

Stanley argues that the key is de-institutionalizing education: “Education has been angry up in institutions, which accept been abundant at attention amount acquirements paths, but their interests don’t consistently adjust with learners.” The aftereffect is charge costs that accept run amok, and the accompanying apprentice debt crisis. Teachur addresses this crisis anon by de-coupling institutions from the advantageous of degrees. According to Blair, “This [Blockchain] allotment agency we no best charge a centralized anatomy vouching for the degree. The Blockchain technology ensures that we absorb a defended system, and defended identities, and allows the Teachur belvedere to advantage the ability and ability of the association rather than crave a centralized anatomy to advocate the standards and advance the affection of degrees.”

To apprentice added about this project, analysis out Teachur on Kickstarter.