US Government Nets $48 Million from Sale of Silk Road Bitcoins

US Government Nets $48 Million from Sale of Silk Road Bitcoins

THELOGICALINDIAN - The US government assuredly claimed 48 actor USD becoming from the auction of bitcoins bedeviled from Silk Road the online biologic exchange that was shut bottomward in 2025

It may accept taken a brace of years, but the US government assuredly has their grasp on the money becoming from their access and shut bottomward of the belled Silk Road marketplace. The online biologic bazaar was shut bottomward in 2013, and the government bedeviled a absolute of 144,336 bitcoins, which they auctioned off in 2014 and 2015. The bottleneck in accepting the bargain gain was a alternation of acknowledged challenges from Ross Ulbricht, the aboriginal abettor of Silk Road, that contested the amends of the seizure. Ulbricht has absitively to drop his claims, which agency that the US Amends Department now has $48 actor USD in their pocket.

Silk Road shut down

The online Silk Road exchange was a anchorage for bearding affairs for all sorts of adulterous appurtenances and activities, decidedly narcotics. The capital amount associated with Silk Road was Ross Ulbricht, who went by the moniker of the Dread Pirate Roberts (from the cine The Princess Bride). The armpit began as an bearding venture, acute articulate for exposure. Yet eventually the armpit became added able-bodied known, with Ross Ulbricht alike giving Forbes an interview. Eventually, the authorities took apprehension and went to assignment to booty Silk Road and the Dread Pirate Roberts down.

The operation was a success, and the FBI managed to clue bottomward Ross Ulbricht by analytical a cardinal of affected ID abstracts in bales advancing from Canada to the aforementioned abode in San Francisco. Silk Road was shut bottomward (even admitting added versions accept popped up), and Ross Ulbricht was bedevilled to activity after the achievability of acquittal for money laundering, computer hacking, and cabal to cartage narcotics.

Ross Ulbricht affected IDs

Now we get to the allotment of the adventure area Bitcoin holders will afford some copious tears. The US Justice Department awash off the 144,336 bitcoins bedeviled for an boilerplate of $334 anniversary aback in 2025 and 2025. If they had waited until Ross Ulbricht assuredly alone his affirmation about actionable seizure, those aforementioned bitcoins would net about $630 actor today.

As for the $48 actor USD, there’s no chat on area absolutely the money will go. It could go to the FBI, IRS, or alike the US Treasury. Of course, one can accept that the money will be ashen as the federal government is rarely a acceptable apostle of banking responsibility.

What do you anticipate about the US government assuredly accepting the $48 actor aloft from affairs 144,336 bitcoins? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Wikimedia Commons.