Vaccine News Strikes Blow to Safe Haven Assets; Potentially Impacting Bitcoin

Vaccine News Strikes Blow to Safe Haven Assets; Potentially Impacting Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin is still trading aural the mid15000 arena afterward a aeon of weakness throughout the accomplished brace of days

Following its bounce ta $16,000, bears beatific its amount coast to lows of $14,400. At this point, it was able to about-face its coast and assemblage all the way up appear the upper-$15,000 region.

It has been accumulation anytime back and may now be on clue to see its animation alpha ramping up as the all-around markets alpha affective based on the vaccine news.

Vaccine News Sends Stocks Flying; Strikes Blow to Gold and Bitcoin

News of Pfizer’s awful able vaccine has confused the markets, sending stocks aerial while safe anchorage assets trend lower.

While the benchmark banal indices all rallied assorted allotment credibility in their pre-market trading hours, gold’s amount nosedived – seeing one of the latest single-day selloffs it has apparent in absolutely some time.

Bitcoin has apparent signs of actuality activated to both banal and gold on abstracted occasions, authoritative it cryptic how this account could appulse its amount action. It has beneath hardly today.

Trader: Vaccine News Possibly Bad for “Store of Value” Narratives

One banker belted his Bitcoin continued acknowledgment afterwards the account broke, noting that it could prove to be awful abrogating for safe anchorage narratives.


The advancing few canicule should flash a ablaze on whether or not Bitcoin’s absolute abstruse strength will be abundant for it to contrivance the impacts of this news.