Market Analyst Says 'Whole Crypto Sphere Is in a Bear Market' as Prices Continue to Slide Lower
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Market Analyst Says 'Whole Crypto Sphere Is in a Bear Market' as Prices Continue to Slide Lower

THELOGICALINDIAN - The cryptoeconomy has been sliding in amount this anniversary and during the aftermost 24 hours it has absent 25 bottomward to 23 abundance The arch crypto asset bitcoin has slid 48 during the aftermost seven canicule and ethereum has alone 117 aftermost anniversary The bottomward circling has cryptocurrency advocates analytic whether or not the balderdash run is over and if the buck bazaar has begun

Bears Continue to Claw the Crypto Economy Down

Following best bulk highs on November 10, the crypto asset abridgement has afford an astronomic bulk of amount and continues to bore lower every few days. Afterwards extensive $69K per assemblage on November 10, bitcoin (BTC) managed to break aloft the $60K area for six canicule after, and for aloof over two weeks, BTC managed to break aloft the $50K region. Afterwards sliding beneath $50K on December 4, the aforementioned day it hit a low of $43,972 per assemblage but has managed to jump aback aloft the $47K zone.

Still, bitcoin (BTC) is trading for 149% college than it was on this day aftermost year. However, account stats appearance bitcoin is bottomward 26.1% and added than 30% from the best high. The additional arch crypto asset, ethereum (ETH), is bottomward 11.7% this anniversary and 30-day stats appearance ETH has absent 17.5%. Similarly, ether is still up year-to-date, as the amount per ETH is over 550% college than this time aftermost year. The crypto asset is beneath the $4K area and currently alteration easily for $3,845 per ether.

Bitcoin Falls Below 200-Day Moving Average, Analyst Suggests Further Declines Are Coming

Speaking with Alex Kuptsikevich, Fxpro’s chief bazaar analyst, Kuptsikevich told News that the cryptocurrency bazaar “came beneath absorbing burden on Monday afternoon.” Furthermore, the Crypto Abhorrence and Greed Index returned to the acute abhorrence area from a account of 28 to 21. “It is not accessible to define the new beachcomber of burden trigger, but it agitated and widened afterwards the two better cryptocurrencies gave up their key positions,” Kuptsikevich said.

Market Analyst Says 'Whole Crypto Sphere Is in a Bear Market' as Prices Continue to Slide Lower

“Bitcoin has collapsed beneath its 200-day average, trading beneath $47K at the time of writing. Excluding the intraday bead on the 6th of December, these are the everyman ethics back aboriginal October, and bitcoin has absent a third of its amount from its aiguille levels aloof over a ages ago,” the analyst added added. “By and large, the highs at 69k were the starting point for burden on the BTCUSD. Should the abatement develop, it is account advantageous added absorption to the 40k and 30k levels, cogent annular levels area Bitcoin had ahead angry to the upside.”

Fxpro’s chief bazaar analyst continued:

Huobi Group Co-Founder: ‘Bitcoin Needs to Break Through Descending Trendline’

Speaking with Du Jun, the co-founder of Huobi Group, the analyst said BTC has started to balance afterwards the decline, absorption on the abutment of $47,000.

“According to abstracts from Huobi Global, BTC maintained a alongside cadence at midday, with the high bend of the cadence ambit at $47,500 and the lower bend at $46,200,” Du Jun told News. “From the 4-hour akin K-line chart, the amount began to balance afterwards aftermost night’s decline, and the axis of the accepted cadence is abreast the amount low of December 11, which can be apparent as a analysis of the concise abutment level.”

The co-founder of Huobi Group concluded:

What do you anticipate about Kuptsikevich’s appraisal of the crypto abridgement and adage the apple is in a buck market? Do you anticipate the crypto abridgement is in a buck market? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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