7 NFT Markets Saw Over $356M in Monthly Value Transferred — Opensea, Axie Infinity Eclipse Competition

7 NFT Markets Saw Over $356M in Monthly Value Transferred — Opensea, Axie Infinity Eclipse Competition

THELOGICALINDIAN - The abundance of account USD amount transferred from seven arch nonfungible badge NFT marketplaces has accomplished a absolute of 356 actor during the aboriginal anniversary of August Currently the activity Cryptopunks is arch the backpack back it comes to NFT activity sales Meanwhile the exchange Opensea captures the lions allotment of transferred amount as the trading belvedere commands 9719 of the account amount settled

Opensea’s Tidal Wave of Monthly Sales Captures Lion’s Share of USD Value Transferred

At the time of writing, the best arresting non-fungible badge activity this anniversary is Cryptopunks as statistics from nonfungible.com appearance the activity has apparent 1,018 sales account over $166 actor during the aftermost week. Cryptopunks is followed by Art Blocks ($61M) and Meebits ($27M) and Superrare ($6.8M) respectively. Additionally, Cryptoarte ($3.5M), Hashmasks ($2.8M), and the Sandbox ($2M) accept additionally contributed to the accomplished week’s 67,538 NFT sales recorded on Saturday, August 7, 2021.

According to NFT data stemming from Dune Analytics, the exchange Opensea is the top NFT trading belvedere today. Opensea captures a massive 97% of the USD amount transferred on a account base amid NFT markets like Foundation, Knownorigin, Makersplace, Opensea, Superrare, Rarible, and Asyncart.

Data shows the abundance of U.S. dollars transferred from these seven NFT marketplaces was about $356 million. When it comes to the boilerplate USD amount per NFT on these marketplaces, Opensea and Superrare abduction the accomplished values.

Foundation, Opensea, Rarible, Superrare Users Grow — Axie Infinity Nears Opensea’s $1.35B Volume

Opensea is additionally advancing abutting to 200K, as far as users over time are concerned. There are currently 196,906 registered users who accept fabricated at atomic one transaction application Opensea’s marketplace. Superrare’s calculation is abate in allegory with alone 3,417 registered collectors who accept fabricated a distinct transaction. While Foundation has about 7K, Rarible has over 60K users recorded over time.

Over the abaft 30 days, NFT sales accept been through the roof, as account nonfungible.com stats appearance a admirable absolute of $630 actor over 55,815 alive wallets. Stats added appearance 115,124 primary sales and aloof a beard beneath $100K in accessory sales over the aftermost 30 days. Metrics from dappradar.com additionally appearance that Opensea is the top dog back it comes to best NFT volume. Best aggregate shows $1.35 billion for Opensea, while Axie Infinity captured $1.086 billion in best volume.

Axie Infinity is followed by Cryptopunks ($647.3M), NBA Top Shot ($638.6M), and Rarible ($182.58M) respectively. Sorare ($97.42M), Superrare ($87.42M), and Atomicmarket ($72.02M) authority the sixth, seventh, and eighth bazaar positions.

What do you anticipate about the advance of NFT sales and marketplaces? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Dune Analytics, Nonfungible.com, Dappradar.com,