Crypto Social Media is Breaking Free: How 10+ Blockchain Platforms Pay You to Post

Crypto Social Media is Breaking Free: How 10+ Blockchain Platforms Pay You to Post

THELOGICALINDIAN - Social media has become so anchored in best peoples accustomed lives that its adamantine to brainstorm activity or alike a amount of a few hours after it While the amusing media anarchy is huge theres addition anarchy aural that anarchy apprenticed by users into cryptocurrency aloofness and immutability incentivized blockchainbased amusing media

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Steemit as Pioneer

Coming on arena as a avant-garde in July 2016, Ned Scott and blockchain developer Dan Larimer’s Steemit boasted to be a aboriginal of its affectionate blockchain-based amusing media platform, acceptance users to acquire rewards via Steem for posting, curating, and commenting. Many users compared the site’s appearance to a affectionate of “crypto Reddit.”

Larimer, the architect of the Bitshares DEX, DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake Algorithm), and the accepted CTO of (EOS developer), congenital the armpit with co-founder Scott on the Steem blockchain, a Graphene-based, DPoS chain. While the armpit enjoyed initial, awful amazing success — with one acclaimed and arguable autonomous podcaster raking in $15,000 for a abbreviate “introduce yourself” post — user absorption has back flagged significantly. A alternation of seismic administration and accumulated alignment accouterment (including Larimer abrogation the activity in 2017), accompanying with the crypto winter of aftermost year, saw abounding loyal users analytic out greener pastures.

One affair that Steemit did advice establish, however, was the abeyant of blockchain technology to accommodate about censorship attrition and auspiciously accolade users for engagement. Neither the belvedere nor added users could deplatform anyone by advertisement or abatement a column (a huge problem currently for abounding giants in the acreage like Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube). And back the aboriginal payouts came in the summer of 2016, a massive beachcomber of action ensued. However, troubles with spambots and corruption of voting ability would prove to be cogent challenges bottomward the road.

Crypto Social Media is Breaking Free: How 10 Blockchain Platforms Pay You to Post

Steemit ‘Spin-Offs’

Seeking to advance on the shortcomings of the Steemit project, newly-launched (April 2019) has become a home to crypto bloggers absorbed in a beneath “wild west” and added centralized approach. Anecdotal is allegedly added aggressive to the abuses which would appear to affliction Steemit. Multiple annual conception is difficult due to KYC policy, and communities are organized about niches (tags) endemic by users who can acquire budgetary allowances for ownership, and accept moderators (a affection not yet implemented on the beta adaptation site) to accumulate spam from cutting the network. A axial attorneys contest controlling controlling ability and moderates mostly autonomous association activity.

Another notable “spin-off” of Steemit (in this case, admittedly, anon inspired via a pizza purchased with Steem rewards) is Japan’s aboriginal blockchain-based amusing media site, ALIS. Similar to Narrative, ALIS focuses on alcove absorption groups (like crypto enthusiasts and Japanese manga readers). Though accepted banking regulations present hurdles for the group, CEO Masahiro Yasu and aggregation advance their eyes of allowance users “find accurate accessories and bodies quickly” in lieu of depending alone on spammy Google chase after-effects and capricious boilerplate media. Quality agreeable and curation are adored with the ALIS token.

Crypto Social Media is Breaking Free: How 10 Blockchain Platforms Pay You to Post

BCH Joins the Party

Emerging on April 15, 2018, on-chain amusing media armpit was launched on the BCH network. With appearance like built-in angled and SLP token creation, Memo is a different and multi-faceted way to collaborate with the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. The belvedere was conspicuously mentioned in July by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, back he suggested that the Bitcoin Cash arrangement ability accommodate a acting scalable abstracts band for Ethereum:

Though not as visually adorned as some blockchain-based platforms, users are fatigued to the functionality and avant-garde aspects of the platform. The adeptness to absolutely timestamp important advice and accomplish it around immutable, for example, is an important affection to many. This accurate appliance has been suggested to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey as a agency by which to acquiesce absolute alteration of Tweets.

Crypto Social Media is Breaking Free: How 10 Blockchain Platforms Pay You to Post

Another belvedere congenital application the Bitcoin Cash blockchain is Honest, which was launched in November, 2018. In befitting with the affair of chargeless speech, the armpit affirms that:

Direct voting via a user wallet allows bloggers to accept BCH for their posts back added users upvote, or, like Steemit and Narrative, back acknowledged curation occurs. While the armpit is still growing and commutual its V2 migration, association associates and the amount aggregation and creator, Adrian Barwicki, are alive in development and abutment via the Honest Banknote Telegram chat.

Crypto Social Media is Breaking Free: How 10 Blockchain Platforms Pay You to Post

Comparative List of Popular Crypto Social Media

Decentralized, incentivized blockchain and crypto-based amusing media action alternatives to accepted platforms like Twitter, Reddit, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Medium, Linkedin, and Patreon. Here is a account of some of the best accepted sites:

Bitchute: P2P, web torrent video administration platform. Monetization accessible via Bitbacker, Coinpayments and others. Main user interests: politics/activism. Alexa ranking: 4,024. Similar to: Youtube.

Steemit: Steem blockchain-based amusing media platform. Earn Steem and Steem Dollars (USD soft-pegged asset) to post, comment, and curate. Main user interests: advice, finance/economics. Alexa ranking: 5,255. Similar to: Reddit.

Dlive: Lino blockchain-based video administration platform. Formerly congenital on the Steem blockchain. Earn Lino credibility to column and engage. New home to Pewdiepie. Main user interests: gaming (livestreaming), animation, analytics. Alexa ranking: 5,748. Similar to: Youtube.

Minds: Open antecedent amusing media platform. Earn Minds ERC20 tokens for contributions. Main user interests: politics/activism. Alexa ranking: 9,611. Similar to: Twitter/Facebook.

Dtube: IPFS-based, Steem blockchain dapp. Video administration platform. Earn Steem to column and curate. Main user interests: news, beheld arts. Alexa ranking: 24,832. Similar to: Youtube.

Earn: Coinbase’s targeted microtask earning platform/app. Earn crypto by acknowledging to emails or commutual baby tasks. Main user interests: economics, technology. Alexa ranking: 59,172. Similar to: n/a.

Narrative: User-governed amusing media platform for bloggers. Earn NRVE tokens to post, comment, curate, moderate, and own niches. Main user interests: n/a. Alexa ranking: 129,990. Similar to: Medium.

Scorum: Sports and betting-focused blockchain-based platform. Earn SCR bill for agreeable conception and curation. Main user interests: sports, gambling/betting. Alexa ranking: 138,365. Similar to: n/a.

Voice: EOS-network-based amusing media platform. Earn Voice tokens for contribution. Identity-focused user validation. Main user interests: n/a. Alexa ranking: 204,857. Similar to: n/a.

Memo: BCH blockchain-based amusing media platform. Earn BCH via posting. Data is stored absolute to blockchain application OP_RETURN. Main user interests: Bitcoin Cash, blogging. Alexa ranking: 369,947. Similar to: Twitter.

Sapien: Democratized, Ethereum-based account platform. SPN tokens serve as pale in the arrangement facilitating interaction. The armpit aims to action capricious or “fake” news. Main user interests: news. Alexa ranking: 430,729. Similar to: n/a.

Indorse: Ethereum-based coding appraisal and appraisal recruiting platform. Earn IND tokens for action on the network. Main user interests: coding, recruiting. Alexa ranking: 523,854. Similar to: Linkedin.

Bitbacker: Crypto-based fan-funding platform. Garner abutment for projects and posts from your fanbase. Main user interests: n/a. Alexa ranking: 1,159,103. Similar to: Patreon.

Obsidian: PoS blockchain with an encrypted adaptable messaging app/platform. Earn ODN tokens for accepting the network. Main user interests: n/a. Alexa ranking: 1,442,289. Similar to: n/a.

Socialx: Photo and video administration blockchain-based platform. Earn SOCX bill for addition and licensing. Main user interests: n/a. Alexa ranking: 2,030,873. Similar to: Instagram.

Honest: BCH blockchain-based blogging platform. Earn BCH for agreeable conception and curation. Main user interests: n/a. Alexa ranking: n/a. Similar to: Medium. P2P, encrypted trading platform. Offers non-KYC, P2P trading of BCH. Main user interests: cryptocurrency. Alexa ranking: n/a. Similar to:

(Information based in allotment on Alexa rankings and abstracts from August 3 and 4, 2019)

Crypto Social Media is Breaking Free: How 10 Blockchain Platforms Pay You to Post

It’s Anybody’s Game, But the Game Is Here to Stay

The above Larimer of Steemit fame, forth with CEO Brendan Blumer, has now jumped into the amusing bold already afresh with his new belvedere Voice, whose barrage was appear June 1. During a contempo Telegram Q&A, however, back abeyant users accurate aloofness apropos about austere KYC behavior of the platform, Larimer didn’t assume ever receptive:

Crypto Social Media is Breaking Free: How 10 Blockchain Platforms Pay You to Post

It should prove absorbing to see how the new armpit develops and fares adjoin the others with acutely altered philosophies and mission statements.

However altered these platforms may be, it’s an agitative time for amusing media enthusiasts, crypto lovers, bloggers, developers, journalists and entrepreneurs alike, with the admeasurement of this new bearing of amusing media accouterment different opportunities in cryptocurrency and aegis for users.

What are your thoughts on blockchain-based amusing media? Did we absence one of your favorites? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Image credits: Shutterstock, Fair use.

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