Danish Blockchain Company Offers to Help Build Trump's Wall

Danish Blockchain Company Offers to Help Build Trump's Wall

THELOGICALINDIAN - A Denmarkbased blockchain aggregation is alms an another allotment band-aid that does not absorb Mexican pesos or American aborigine dollars to pay for Trumps abominable bank

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No Pesos, Tax Dollars Required

trump wallOne of Donald Trump’s best controversial campaign promises of architecture a bank as a band-aid to actionable clearing from Mexico could now become a absoluteness afterward his upset victory.

A bank spanning the entire US-Mexican border to accumulate both actionable immigrants and drugs from entering the United States will accept allotment from Mexico, Trump boasted during his campaign.

But while abounding see this as awful unlikely, the Denmark-based OpenLedger is now alms an another allotment band-aid that does not absorb Mexican pesos or American aborigine dollars.

OpenLedger is Denmark’s aboriginal bitcoin barter that additionally specializes in activity allotment solutions application blockchain technology. This access ensures a cellophane arrangement area all donations and transfers can be about beheld from all over the apple abundant like a tweet.

“We can action a banking band-aid for Trump’s Wall,” says OpenLedger CEO, Ronny Boesing.

“As we see it, the bank activity doesn’t aloof get the states forth the bound to arise bigger to the people, it additionally provides citizens an befalling to do article and break the botheration of actionable immigration,” he adds.

‘Full Market Mechanism’

Trump’s bank angle has afflicted up a lot of altercation in the United States. However, the OpenLedger controlling doesn’t see a botheration in acceptable a allotment of the multi-billion dollar project.

“People feel they accept annihilation to say back it comes to their tax dollars,” explains OpenLedger arch operations officer AnneMieke Dirkens.

“They pay them and it goes in a giant, not actual cellophane bucket. But there is an another to all that in the latest fintech solutions. Without alike any authoritative arrest Mr. Trump! Must like that, no added civilian servants, abounding bazaar mechanism.”

Building the Wall … One Token at a Time

Dirkens proposes creating a new badge alleged “Wally,” for example. The badge is put on a blockchain, which is cellophane and can be beheld in real-time by anybody on the internet.

“Let’s actualize 2.4 billion of those coins, 1 Wally you can buy for 1 dollar,” he continues. “The money goes into escrow. No acquisitive fingers, no foundations. All that needs to appear now, is authoritative abiding the Wally owners get amount for money.”

Bitcoin.com_Archiving Floppy Disk BlockchainThen any architecture aggregation absorbed in this activity can upload their angle on the website for all Wally holders to see. If added than 50% of the aggregate of awash Wallies votes yes, a amplitude of the bank gets built. Wallies can adviser the advance and vote on the parties complex based on their performance. 

“No civilian agents complex anymore, afar for being like bloom and assurance of course,” Dirkens adds.

Additionally, Wally holders would not alone accept the abandon of best to abutment such a activity but they additionally aces the proposal, the architect etc. In the long-term, Wallies will authority an asset backed by accurate concrete, Dirkens explained.

But Would Trump Accept?

The White HouseThe aboriginal challenge, however, is opening Trump’s administering to such an unconventional, blockchain-based crowdfunding solution.

This may assume like a alien achievability accustomed that both candidates were clueless about Bitcoin and blockchain technology. Nevertheless, Bitcoin has been gaining a foothold in Washington D.C. while PayPal co-founder and Trump attack donor, Peter Thiel, has stated that “Bitcoin could change the world.”

Furthermore, about all of the world’s above banks and alike several governments accept already been studying, testing and implementing their own blockchain-based platforms for assorted use-cases. Thus, babyminding on the blockchain could anon become the new all-around archetype as able-bodied as a new (and added direct) antecedent of funding for accessible works.

OpenLedger assitant administrator Daniel Pineda, who is an American citizen, adds:

Do you anticipate such a large-scale project could assignment on the blockchain in the future? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images via of Shutterstock, ddees.com, Linkedin, Wikipedia, theBURNward.