Facebook and Twitter Beware — Censorship-Resistant Social Media Is Here

Facebook and Twitter Beware — Censorship-Resistant Social Media Is Here

THELOGICALINDIAN - Over the accomplished few months Bitcoin Cash developers accept been creating applications that are agnate to amusing media and appointment platforms like Reddit Facebook and Twitter Anyone in the apple can use these Bitcoin Cashpowered applications such as Memo Blockpress Keyport and Matter which action censorshipresistant versions of these amusing media giants

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Onchain Social Media Apps, Forums, and Messenger Services

Censorship on ample amusing media platforms like Facebook and Twitter has been advancing this year. On Oct. 11, news.Bitcoin.com reported on Facebook ablution hundreds of pages and profiles that consistently acquaint about another account and autonomous views. The advancing censorship has acquired abounding bodies to alpha analytic for added decentralized platforms that acquiesce chargeless speech. What they ability not apperceive is that the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) ecosystem already has a few applications that are agnate to the ascendant online forums and amusing media platforms. The aberration is they are chargeless of censorship and every activity is recorded onchain.

Facebook and Twitter Beware — Censorship Resistant Amusing Media Is HereMemo.cash is a belvedere that is commensurable to Twitter, but posts cannot be selectively removed by anyone as they are all stored onchain. Memo allows users to column text, animations, pictures, URLs, and videos while additionally ambience a custom profile. Much like Twitter, there is a cap of how abounding characters can be acclimated per column as Memo alone allows 217 characters at a time. A affection that sets Memo afar from Twitter and added amusing media platforms is the adeptness to tip posts application BCH. This allows agreeable creators to acquire the allowances of their assignment rather than behemothic accumulated entities.

Facebook and Twitter Beware — Censorship Resistant Social Media Is Here

Memo has been a accepted appliance amidst the BCH association and there accept been bags of onchain posts back the belvedere launched. For instance, one alone started recording every ballad in the King James Bible. One setback for Memo users is because all posts are hashed into the BCH alternation appliance an OP_Return transaction, they cannot be deleted. Memo additionally offers a association and affair area so users can altercate books, film, news, and alike capacity that are advised anathema or politically unacceptable. The appliance additionally allows users to chase assertive profiles so they can break up to date with the best absorbing bodies who column on Memo.

Facebook and Twitter Beware — Censorship Resistant Social Media Is Here

Facebook and Twitter Beware — Censorship Resistant Social Media Is HereThe appliance Blockpress is a admixture of Twitter with a Facebook feel. The customization of Blockpress profiles gives the website a Facebook-like attending alongside the application’s user interface. The bulk of characters a user can column is bound like Twitter, and aloof like Memo the Blockpress appliance alone allows 217 characters per post. Blockpress additionally has a area of communities area bodies can altercate anarchism, video games, politics, aesthetics and whatever abroad they feel like discussing.

Facebook and Twitter Beware — Censorship Resistant Social Media Is Here

Blockpress additionally allows built-in angled in BCH and agreeable creators can acquire tips for accepted posts and writings. Similarly to Memo, individuals can chase added Blockpress users, authoritative it easier to chase specific people. Every activity on Blockpress is recorded application an OP_Return transaction and the belvedere cannot annul posts afterwards they accept been published. Blockpress fell off the map for a brace months as the architect was activity to focus his time on addition project, but he has back alternate to the platform.

Facebook and Twitter Beware — Censorship Resistant Social Media Is Here

Facebook and Twitter Beware — Censorship Resistant Social Media Is HereKeyport is a agent account that allows bodies to affix with friends, family, and coworkers. The Keyport platform is an appliance that provides users with the adeptness to accelerate and accept encrypted letters congenital on top of the BCH chain. Essentially all letters are hashed into the BCH alternation application an OP_Return transaction but they are encrypted. Only the almsman can break the message, authoritative the messaging account difficult to censor. The Keyport developers, Atlantislabs, explain that anniversary bulletin you encrypt or break requires a baby bulk of BCH dust additional the miner fee.

Facebook and Twitter Beware — Censorship Resistant Social Media Is Here

Facebook and Twitter Beware — Censorship Resistant Social Media Is HereIf bodies don’t appetite to be bound to 217 characters again they could opt to use the BCH-centric Matter platform. Matter allows users to column accoutrement accounting in continued anatomy and posts can be formatted with images and things like adventurous and italic. Matter additionally has built-in angled abilities and uses the BCH chain’s OP_Return capabilities as well. The aforementioned immutability botheration exists with Matter, and the creators ask you to analysis a box that explains you are acquainted that all posts are assuredly stored on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. The decentralized blogging platform’s creators afresh added the adeptness to acknowledgment to posts and users can tip the replies too. There are not as abounding users on Matter as there are on Blockpress and Memo, but the adeptness to address in continued anatomy with abounding markdown syntax abutment is a plus.

Facebook and Twitter Beware — Censorship Resistant Social Media Is Here

Mass Exodus From Centralized Social Media Giants Will Take Some Time

It’s activity to booty a lot of time for bodies to army appear decentralized amusing media applications and forums. The abidingness of posts may additionally be an affair for some people, but that is allotment of the accord and booty complex with these censorship-resistant platforms. After a column is published, no bulk how abounding bodies don’t like it they cannot abolish the column from the BCH alternation and the aforementioned applies to the agreeable creators themselves. Users do charge a bitcoin banknote wallet and a little BCH to use these platforms, as anniversary activity costs a actual baby bulk of BCH. As continued as amusing media giants like Facebook abide to abolish political dissenters and agreeable they don’t accept of on a whim, added bodies will chase for platforms after prohibition.

Have you approved any of the new Bitcoin Cash-powered amusing media, forum, and messaging applications yet? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about these platforms in the animadversion area below.

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Images via Shutterstock, Jamie Redman, Matter, Memo, Keyport, and Blockpress.

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