KPMG Survey: Half of Tech Execs Say Blockchain Will Change Their Industry

KPMG Survey: Half of Tech Execs Say Blockchain Will Change Their Industry

THELOGICALINDIAN - Big Four accountant KPMG has appear the after-effects of its seventh anniversary Technology Industry Innovation Analysis The analysis of 740 all-around tech leaders beyond twelve countries shows an accretion acceptance that blockchain will change the industry

Don’t Mind The Disruption

Nearly bisected of the respondents (76 percent of whom are C-level executives) anticipation that blockchain was ‘very likely’ or ‘likely’ to change their business aural three years.

24 percent of respondents were neutral, and 27 percent acquainted this was “not likely” or “not at all likely.”

For comparison, in aftermost year’s survey, a agnate 28 percent of participants said blockchain was absurd to agitate their business aural three years, or were unsure. However, aftermost year 42 percent of respondents were aloof on the matter, with alone 30 percent cerebration this was “very likely.”

So while it seems that hardcore blockchain naysayers are still adage “nay,” a ample block of the neutrals accept swung. The acceptance in blockchain’s abeyant to agitate the tech industry is acutely growing.

Disruption? What Disruption?

On the catechism of which areas of business the blockchain was best acceptable to disrupt, the advance was actual agnate to aftermost year.

27 percent of respondents foresaw best disruption in internet of things (IoT) processes, such as software upgrades, artefact refills, and warranties. 22 percent anticipation the best disruption would be to trading (through platforms for baby businesses).

There was a slight beat abroad from “reduction of risk” (20 percent) appear disruption of affairs (18 percent). The closing acquired 4 percent of the absolute respondents from the former, compared to aftermost year.

According to Damien Ducourty, Co-founder of B9lab:

Challenges And Benefits

Key challenges accent in adopting blockchain technology included ambiguous business cases, complication of the technology, and abridgement of basic for investment.

However, the perceived allowances of implementing blockchain centred about bigger business ability and amount reduction.

There was an added acceptance that blockchain accomplishing would differentiate their company’s artefact and/or service. And about 10 percent of respondents cited business acumen acquired from incremental abstracts as their top benefit.

Jehan Chu, Co-founder and Managing Partner at Kenetic and Co-founder of Social Alpha Foundation, summed up:

Do you accede with the KPMG analysis that blockchain will agitate business models? Share your thoughts below!

Images address of Shutterstock, KPMG