Microsoft Azure Welcomes 9 New Partners to BaaS Ecosystem

Microsoft Azure Welcomes 9 New Partners to BaaS Ecosystem

THELOGICALINDIAN - Microsoft Azure Welcomes new ally OKcash VCash Blocknet BitSwift and bristles others to the Blockchain As A Service BaaS ecosystem all of which can be activated out in the Azure DevTest labs now

Also read: Microsoft Joins Digital Chamber Of Commerce For Blockchain Advocacy

New Kids on the Block

Microsoft Ethereum BaaSMicrosoft Azure is an open, adjustable and scalable belvedere acknowledging an accretion cardinal of broadcast balance technologies. Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) is a rapid, low cost, low accident sub-platform of the Azure environment. With Azure, projects and organizations can coact by experimenting with new business processes backed by the cloud. The Azure belvedere in the accomplished has partnered with such names as Ethereum, Emercoin, LISK, Slock.It, Syscoin, Augur, Factom, Radium and Monero.

The afterward is a abrupt overview of all of the new, afresh added inductees:

OKcash [OK] – As with abounding cryptocurrencies, OKcash has faced its fair allotment of challenges. Developers accept remained committed to convalescent the project, though, alive to abode issues aloft by users. Some users were balked that developers autonomous to shelf anonymity appearance in affairs for the time being, but according to developers, those appearance are still not out of the question.

BitSwift [SWIFT] – Bitswift is a Proof of Stake blockchain whose development is handled Canada-based Bitswift Decentralized Applications. The ambition of Bitswift is to advice accommodate the accepted accessible and businesses into the crypto-layer of the internet. Bitswift’s accepted focus is on amalgam crypto-currency into gaming communities. Bitswift has accustomed relationships with some notable gamers aural the poker arena and on Twitch.

The Blocknet [BLOCK] – The Blocknet was envisioned by Dan Metcalf in backward 2014 as a band-aid to three of the better issues in blockchain technology: mobility, modularity, and interoperability. That is, nodes on altered blockchains can not interoperate after accident the different aegis backdrop of blockchains; adaptable accessories do not calmly board ample databases; and dApps could not accept a microservice-based architecture.

Developers apparent these problems with a “blockchain router,” a clandestine P2P advice and abstracts carriage protocol, and the accomplishing of a P2P diminutive barter protocol. They action calm to accommodate all-encompassing inter-node account delivery, which is monetizable through decentralized exchange. Additionally, a decentralized barter is actuality packaged as a standalone chargeless product.

Vcash [XVC]  Vcash, aforetime accepted as Vanillacoin, has been amenable for introducing technologies like ZeroTime, accouterment sub-second transactions, and bulge incentives. Features such as ChainBlender are acclimated to accommodate a anatomy of preemptive transaction anonymity. Just recently, the Vcash activity has been exploring the affair of cocky governance.

Storj [SJCX]Storj can be declared as a protocol, a cryptocurrency and a apartment of decentralized apps in-one, giving users a decentralized billow abstracts accumulator solution.

Storj nodes advertise assets to abundance and alteration data. In the process, nodes acquire Storjcoin X or added baddest cryptocurrencies in barter for services. In short, an alone could acquire an assets by leasing or renting adamantine drive amplitude or added bandwidth. Storj has created a abstracts accumulator arrangement that can not be censored, and is cheaper, faster, and added defended than acceptable billow accumulator platforms.

Shadow [SDC]Launched in 2014, Shadow has set itself afar as a actual innovative, different accessible antecedent activity with the ambition of acceptable the aboriginal absolutely decentralized, bearding agenda bill blooming and congenital application Bitcoin code. Inspired by the Cypherpunk movement, developers started experimenting with a scattering of web-based casework and technologies, while at the aforementioned time implementing improvements in aegis based on aught ability cryptography. Since the launch, Shadow has developed from a simple abstraction into one of the best avant-garde crypto-projects to date, with affairs to absolve a belvedere alms users complete aloofness to authorize the world’s aboriginal absolutely bearding economy.

GameCredits [GAME]GameCredits claims to be the aboriginal chargeless accessible antecedent bold bill developed by gamers, for gamers and bold developers. GameCredits can be anticipation of as a multi-platform gaming bill that brings developers monetization based on fair-play rules. GameCredits uses the avant-garde Scrypt algorithm for mining, with a cogent advantage of lower ability burning in allegory to Bitcoin.

Blitzcoin [BLITZ]Blitz is a P2P cryptocurrency application a distributed, decentralized accessible ledger. Unlike acceptable cyberbanking systems, Blitz’s balance is arresting and calmly audited by the people. The adeptness to administer affairs and affair added Blitz is all handled by the arrangement of Blitzcoin users. Because the Blitz arrangement is run by the people, holders accept a 10% annual absorption through a action alleged staking. Blitz is a axial blockchain activated by the Bitalize project, that seeks to body applications on the Blockchain that will access the acceptance of agenda currencies.

Jumbucks [JBS]The antecedent eyes of Jumbucks was to actualize a cryptocurrency that anybody could use. Meant to be fun and alpha in the beginning, the activity hopes to eventually accompany its use case to the beginning of allotment honest developers in the development of approaching cryptocurrencies or projects.

Jumbucks was one of the aboriginal crowdfunding cryptocurrencies absorption on a specific niche. Jumbucks is a angle of Shadow, alms appearance like P2P-encrypted messaging and bearding dual-key stealth addresses. During its launch, Jumbucks accomplished one of the widest distributions of any bread in the altcoin community, with a almanac cardinal of aboriginal time miners, a accessible developer, and no premine or IPO.

We additionally accomplished out to the developers of these projects to ask how the new affiliation with Microsoft Azure BaaS will appulse them affective forward. Some got aback to us and responded, saying:

“Our affiliation with Microsoft Azure is decidedly agitative because of how abundant abrasion it can abolish for multi-chain dapp solutions. Azure’s 1-click deployment agency that projects can use our tech instantly, after downloading and advancement assorted chains. It’s gonna be a abundant timesaver and a able apparatus to abutment blockchain-based solutions.”

-Arlyn Culwick, The Blocknet

To Be or Not to Be, That Is the Microsoft Azure Question

MicrosoftThe Microsoft Azure Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) has afresh been a hot affair of debate, with abounding examination the belvedere is a footfall backwards in the administration of centralization. Some in the association are not actual blessed about Microsoft’s captivation in the industry due to monopolistic behaviors displayed in the past, and the actuality that they accept ahead discounted Bitcoin.

Still others accept that the Azure belvedere is a above dispatch stone, acceptance developers to calmly body applications on top of their own platforms. With Blockchain as a Service (BaaS), developers can accept a single-click, cloud-based blockchain development environment.

The “Ethereum Blockchain as a Service” facilitated by Microsoft Azure and ConsenSys will acquiesce for banking services, barter and ally to play, learn, and abort fast in a low cost, banal environment. It additionally allows them to actualize private, accessible and consortium-based blockchain environments application industry-leading frameworks actual quickly, distributing their blockchain articles with Azure’s common broadcast (private) platform.

Whatever your position is, it seems that the Azure belvedere has bent the absorption of some abundant hitters in the crypto-industry. Surprisingly, a few of them accept been able supporters of decentralization, activity so far as to admission users the adeptness to transact with complete anonymity. Whether or not the Azure Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) belvedere is acknowledged in its mission, the actuality charcoal that some of the ally allotment to coact with Microsoft through the Azure belvedere accept the acceptability of actuality hardcore believers in decentralization.

What do you anticipate about Microsoft Azure’s new activity partners? Let us apperceive in the comments below! 

Images address of Microsoft.