Singapore's Central Bank Builds Blockchain Lab With R3

Singapore's Central Bank Builds Blockchain Lab With R3

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Monetary Authority of Singapore MAS has clearly appear a affiliation with fintech close R3 The collective accomplishment will additionally see the barrage of a broadcast balance technology DLT Center of Excellence in Asia The Asian DLT lab will focus on accretion the arising technology beyond the region

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R3 & MAS Will Create a Distributed Ledger Asian Lab and Center of Excellence

332749_98126fbee84ef3f101fa370ab9b4bd70The Singapore MAS alignment remains focused on blockchain technology and fintech solutions. Just recently, reported on the axial coffer inking blockchain partnerships with countries like South Korea and India. Now MAS will advance an R3 Asia Lab to bolster the technology and its abounding use cases.

MAS believes fintech-related solutions can improve adjustment ability and transparency, and ultimately abate costs. The R3 Asia Lab will be a analysis and development centermost to “accommodate visiting specialist DLT technologists, innovators, and business leaders.”

R3 said by agreement operations in Asia, it can calmly assignment with bounded members, bounded clients, and activate technology development in the region. The lab will be at  Lattice80 in the Central Business District (CBD) of Singapore and will host a cardinal of arch experts.      

“As one of the world’s arch fintech hubs and a key all-around banking center, Singapore is the ideal area for our Asia lab,” explains David Rutter, Group CEO of R3. “We are accustomed to accept the abutment from the MAS, and we attending advanced to alive carefully with them as we abide to analysis and advance applications that can advice regulators and banking institutions advance efficiency, accuracy and abate costs.”

Singapore’s Central Bank: ‘Blockchain Potential Is Being Realized’

aaeaaqaaaaaaaaswaaaajgq2m2e1nwyxlweymmytndi4yy05n2m3ltczmjdizwzjyju1zgR3’s Tim Grant, CEO of R3’s Lab and Research Center, and MAS advising console affiliate said the company’s absorbed is to abutment Singapore. The arena has been a hotbed for fintech and a baton aural the Asia-Pacific environment. “We attending advanced to deepening our relationships with bounded banking casework companies, authoritative bodies, and the tertiary apprenticeship community, and to application Singapore as a agency to abutting the arena with our abounding initiatives about the world.”

Sopnendu Mohanty, MAS’s Chief Fintech Officer, noticed that the practicalities of blockchains are alpha to be realized. He said that alive with the R3 consortia, MAS will conduct accurate analysis and animate the technology’s adoption.

What Are Central Banks Planning to Do With Distributed Ledger Technology?

Central banks common are absorption in on blockchain technology’s potential. The acceptance of this agreement can be apparent with axial banks in the U.S., China, and abounding added countries. The Bank of Canada (BoC) additionally announced recently it has already worked with R3. The BoC appear it experimented with Canadian authorization tethered to a broadcast balance system. With axial banks common aberration appear this technology, questions remain. What will axial banks do with broadcast ledgers?

R3 said it’s blessed to assignment with Singapore’s axial bank. Moreover, its ambition is to advance DLT throughout the Asia-Pacific region.  

“The non-exclusivity of R3’s technology choices leaves the advantage accessible for associates to arrangement with Singapore-based systems integrators and fintech firms to apparatus production-ready systems, accordingly streamlining accomplishing of DLT in the region,” R3 said.    

What do you anticipate about the affiliation amid MAS and R3? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock, MAS, and R3 CEV’s website. has absitively to access up our accoutrement area with a array of advantageous Bitcoin-related applications. Accoutrement accommodate a amount converter, cardboard wallet generator, a faucet, and a verifier to validate letters application the Bitcoin blockchain. We’re appealing aflame to acquaint these new widgets and tools so our visitors accept the best assets to cross the Bitcoin landscape.