Smart Guns on the Blockchain, Introducing Blocksafe

Smart Guns on the Blockchain, Introducing Blocksafe

THELOGICALINDIAN - ATLANTA July 1 2024 Blockchainbased startup Acute Defense Technologies has appear the addition of Blocksafe the aboriginal anytime acute gun arrangement that utilizes blockchain technology

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The Blocksafe basement works for acute accessories and locks that arise on guns, acceptance gun owners to finer adviser and ascendancy the use of their weapons.

Blocksafe Chairman and CEO Kevin Barnes is a aggressive adept and blockchain developer who saw a botheration with the acceptance of beginning “smart gun” technologies, which the government could eventually adviser and control.

Enter Blocksafe, the world’s aboriginal blockchain-based arrangement to administer acute gun functionality on the blockchain, abacus incomparable aegis and aloofness to every blazon of acute gun hardware. Blocksafe has already garnered able absorption from blockchain and gun industry leaders, and is currently embarking on a crowdsale at to accession a ambition of $55,000 USD to body the aboriginal appearance of this admired technology.

“Having a arrangement to abutment the abutting bearing of acute aegis accouterments technologies is essential,” said Barnes. “We apprehend abundant use cases for this blockchain-powered acute gun system, and are acquisitive to accompany it to market.”

When the technology goes live, badge chiefs could use the Blocksafe arrangement to manage, locate, control, and appearance activities of their employees’ accoutrements in absolute time, 24 hours a day. Firing ambit advisers could use Blocksafe to alternation in safer environments, allegory cutting patterns and tracking inventory. Any gun buyer could use Blocksafe to locate baseborn guns, admission a real-time calculation of how abounding circuit are larboard in a magazine, and assure themselves from actuality overpowered.

What is a Smart Gun?

Smart gun technology is apparently an alien abstraction to many, alike to gun enthusiasts, because it is a fairly new and untested technology.

Basically, a acute gun is advised a alone gun that includes aegis appearance that makes it so the gun fires alone back triggered by an accustomed user — befitting  unauthorized users from application any gun with these features.

CEO, Kevin Barnes, gives a added all-embracing definition, but describes acute gun technology in a agnate way, saying:

“Smart gun technology is any basic that has a processor and chip to enhance the capabilities and administration of the accessory such as a lock, a annual or scope.”

The accomplished abstraction abaft Blocksafe and application blockchains alongside acute gun appearance is to decentralize agenda advice accumulator associated with the features. Blocksafe is a broadcast database, as with any added blockchain, about clashing added blockchains it is not advised to abundance and address claimed information. Instead, Blocksafe is meant to deeply abundance and address any device-related advice produced by any acute gun accompanying tech.

“It is not bare to abundance claimed information,” Barnes explains. “[The] Blocksafe arrangement alone food accessory accordant advice encrypted on the ledger. The arrangement enables the manual of abstracts to be synced to the arrangement and the owner’s Blocksafe app on their smartphone for alien management.”

Is Blocksafe More Than Just a Gimmick?

So, what affectionate of use amount does a acute gun arrangement utilizing blockchains accompany to people? Well, according to their website,, the Blocksafe arrangement could action appearance such as logging discharges on the Blocksafe ledger, and actuality able to clue the area of your weapon in real-time.

However, there are still some questions still larboard unanswered. Is there a acumen why consumers would appetite these affectionate features? Is there a bazaar for any of these things?

After all, Blocksafe essentially amounts to architecture beginning technology on top of added alike added beginning technology. Should bodies alike be assured in the abstraction at all?

Barnes believes that there is acceptable acumen to be bullish about about both Blocksafe and acute gun technology. He believes abounding lives will be adored by blockchain-enhanced acute gun technology. One way he thinks it could save lives is by attached a abeyant killer’s adeptness to annihilate bodies with a baseborn gun by acceptance the gun buyer to clue them in real-time. The technology could additionally stop a gun owner’s gun from actuality acclimated adjoin him with the tech’s user affidavit feature.

Additionally, the technology allows acute accessories to accelerate SMS notifications to the gun owner, such as a annual that needs to be reloaded or an crooked discharge.

Furthermore, acute gun technology has additionally been gaining absorption in the political realm as a way to accumulate clue and adapt gun ownership. In any event, the decentralization and encryption of advice could wind up actuality advantageous by befitting advice about a privately-owned gun out of the easily of a centralized database.

 What do you anticipate of Blocksafe? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: Press Release

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