Anchor Reveals GDP-Pegged Stablecoin On Ethereum and Stellar

Anchor Reveals GDP-Pegged Stablecoin On Ethereum and Stellar


A activity ablution a new stablecoin called to all-around GDP has opened up its belvedere for accessible testing. An algebraic abiding coin, Anchor says the new testnet will acquiesce users to balloon its interface as able-bodied as actualize wallets for Ethereum and Stellar-based cryptocurrencies.

Anchor Tokens (ANCT) mirror all-around bread-and-butter advance by tracking a alternation of indicators, accepted collectively as the budgetary altitude assemblage (MMU), which includes the amount of authorization currencies, as able-bodied as civic GDP and band yields.

As able-bodied as ambiguity adjoin localized volatility, Anchor says their stablecoin protects holders from inflation. As all-around GDP increases, so too will the amount of ANCT. Data from the World Bank shows that back 1960, all-around GDP has broadcast from $1.3trn to $80.7trn.

Most stablecoins currently accessible – Tether (USDT), TrueUSD (TUSD) and Circle (USDC) – are called to the amount of the US dollar. They are abiding about to cryptocurrencies, but the USD amount still fluctuates; its purchasing ability is a bald atom of what it was, alike 30 years ago. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, $100 in 1990 was agnate to $192.18 in 2018.

Today’s belvedere is alone a testnet, acceptation users will alone be able to barter bogus Anchor tokens. Actual ANCT will aboriginal be broadcast two months afterwards a clandestine badge auction for Dock tokens (DOCT) – account tokens accouterment antecedent admission to the mainnet belvedere –  scheduled for aboriginal May.

The activity aims to move appear a decentralized babyminding arrangement after this year, which will be comprised of 21 absolute validators, finer from “reputable” institutions, with one abode aloof for a adumbrative from the Anchor team.

Daniel Popa, architect and CEO of Anchor, explained that pegging to all-around GDP, while complicated, ensured amount could be preserved, long-term. “Many stablecoins currently on the bazaar action digitized versions of authorization currencies, which intrinsically lose amount due to aggrandizement and are accessible to bazaar fluctuations and volatility,” he explained.