Is BlackBerry Back With a Bang on the Blockchain?

Is BlackBerry Back With a Bang on the Blockchain?


BlackBerry acclimated to be a name on everybody’s lips, but the above baron of burning messaging has afflicted direction. The aggregation has afresh appear a new blockchain belvedere that can abundance and allotment medical data.

They’ve already started alive with their aboriginal client: the Global Commission to End the Diagnostic Odyssey for Children with a Rare Disease.

The alignment works to analyze attenuate diseases in accouchement about the world. By authoritative all-inclusive amounts of abstracts instantly available, blockchain technology may be able to access the cardinal of abstracts credibility that doctors, NGOs and charities can adviser and compare.

A BlackBerry columnist absolution said:

Co-chaired by Shire, the arch all-around biotech focused on attenuate diseases, one of the All-around Commission’s technology pilots will analyze how BlackBerry’s new band-aid ability accommodate real-time, actionable assay as the Commission seeks to use technology to abbreviate the time to diagnosis.

BlackBerry Back With the Blockchain?

The above telecommunications behemothic has a cardinal of blockchain projects in the works and has developed a “carrier-grade arrangement operation center.” It has teamed up with Biotech belvedere ONEBIO to actualize one of abounding agenda ledgers that BlackBerry will clothier to abstracted industries.

The Canadian aggregation was aforetime one of the better tech companies in the apple and its BBM messaging account was the bazaar leader. 85 actor subscribers were active up for BlackBerry’s casework at its peak.

Smartphones Killed the BlackBerry

Apple and Android smartphones, calm with the brand of WhatsApp, eventually laid decay to the communications empire, and BlackBerry fell out of the accessible spotlight. There are alike eulogies to the aggregation online, answer its demise.

BlackBerry still sells smartphones in some territories through a alternation of licensing deals, but it no best produces them and has aback angled out to software and security. The Canadian close reinvented itself, alive agilely on blockchain technology and software. By the end of aftermost year, the aggregation was on its way back.

Private Partnerships Could Boost Blockchain Tech

BlackBerry has back accustomed itself as an incubator in the blockchain industry and a force in the software and aegis sectors. Freed from the constraints of costs and ICOs, blockchain companies could go clandestine and assignment beneath BlackBerry’s addition to actualize the abutting bearing of technology.

Security is ascendant with medical data, but BlackBerry’s accomplice additionally intends to absorb the Internet of Things and abstracts from wearable biometric devices. That information, bare of the clandestine data, could again be acclimated for medical and bartering purposes. This is advantageous technology with all-around applications.

Blockchain Provides Personalized Healthcare

The approaching of healthcare is alone ecology and analysis affairs and that approaching could be congenital on blockchain foundations. BlackBerry has a history of leading, rather than following, and there may be added to appear from the home of the BBM.

Back in March, aggregation CEO John Chen said:

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain are absolutely on our agitation list. We haven’t done a lot of assignment yet and we don’t accept it accessible today, but it seems like a simple affair to absorb into our belvedere after a lot of effort. So we intend to do it.

The aggregation is already alive on aegis for free cartage and formed with the City of Ottawa to analysis the city’s aboriginal driverless car. The car industry is already flirting heavily with blockchain, which could mark a stepchange from the acumen to the operation of the free cars themselves.

BlackBerry could be aback as a all-around force in tech, and this time there’s not an burning bulletin in sight.

The author is not invested in any agenda assets.