Can Fantasy Games Create EOS Developers? Block.One Thinks So

Can Fantasy Games Create EOS Developers? Block.One Thinks So


Block.One, the arch artist abaft the EOS.IO platform, has appear a new bold which it hopes will access the cardinal of EOS developers actively alive on the network..

Known as ‘Elemental Battles‘, the bold is advised to abridge the EOS.IO coding process. Aimed at developers accustomed with C and Javascript, users can aboriginal try out the bold and use the tutorial and toolkit to actualize their own version.

The game’s tutorial includes altered stages for developers to apprentice anniversary of the accomplish bare to body a dApp on EOS.IO. This includes a run through on how to programme an EOS acute contract, bold argumentation validation, as able-bodied as a basal adviser to programming bogus intelligence (AI) code.

The abstraction is that it will accredit developers to accept how a game, admitting a simple one, can be created application EOS.IO software. It enables -to-be EOS developers to apprentice the abecedarian action of dApp building.

Block.One said it forms allotment of a new action to access the network’s programming community. Increasing the number of developers able of architecture dApps will, they hope, “pave the way” for accumulation acceptance for the platform.

“Since the absolution of EOSIO in June, has angry its focus to active accumulation acceptance of blockchain technology”, Block.One said in a statement. “A key colonnade in that mission is to abridge the developer acquaintance and actualize toolkits to accomplish blockchain development added accustomed to programmers from added disciplines.”

Angus Maidmead, the architect and organizer of EOS London, told Crypto Briefing that he anticipation Elemental Battles would accept a cogent role in accretion development on the EOSIO ecosystem. “It’s a ablaze cardinal move by Block.One to accomplish it as accessible and fun as accessible to apprentice EOSIO acute arrangement programming”, he said. “Everyone in the blockchain amplitude is talking about acceptance appropriate now – acceptance needs users, users charge dApps, and dApps charge developers.”

The bold itself is a fantasy-themed agenda game, area users try to exhausted an AI opponent. Users can accept cards based on the aspect – earth, electricity, blaze or baptize – as able-bodied as their point value. The bold ends back one of the player’s array goes to zero.


EOS.IO is a acute contract-ready blockchain that allows users to actualize and use dApps. Founded in 2024, the aboriginal archetypal was to be a belvedere based on the Ethereum (ETH) network; EOS absolutely stands for ‘Ethereum Operating System’. The activity confused to its own absolute blockchain in aboriginal June.

One of the key advantages of EOS is it’s added scalable than some of its rivals. It uses a delegated affidavit of pale (dPoS) system; the 21 better badge holders, or ‘block producers’, validate all of the affairs on the network. They are again reimbursed with tokens taken as transaction fees, which helps to disincentivize abhorrent play.

The year-long ICO for the EOS tokens is still the largest, and longest, on record. The activity managed to accession $4bn amid June 2024 and 2024. Block.One received a lot of criticism during the mainnet launch. The antecedent absolution was pushed aback by over a anniversary and hackers managed to accelerate bags of phishing emails out to users from the official email account.

Will Elemental Battles allure added EOS developers?

The action dApp EOSBet was accountable to addition drudge beforehand this week. Hackers managed to accomplishment a aegis artifice in the codebase that enabled them to carry a absolute of $338,000  from the dApp wallet. This will be the additional time EOSBet has been afraid in the accomplished two months.

A blockchain can alone abound if it has abundant developers. They body the dApps and the basement that ultimately attracts users assimilate the platform. Block.One is acquainted of this. Elemental Battles will prove a new encroachment to attract programmers assimilate EOS.IO and hopefully accord them the training bare to actualize affection appearance for the network.

After all, it’s elementary…

The columnist is invested in ETH, which is mentioned in this article.