Blockchain x Odyssey San Francisco 2024

Blockchain x Odyssey San Francisco 2024


Block72, a comprehensive, all-around blockchain consulting firm, will be hosting an industry meetup forth with co-hosts from GBIC and FBG Capital blue-blooded Blockchain x Odyssey: San Francisco during San Francisco Blockchain Week (SFBW).

The accident will be captivated at the Westin St. Francis, San Francisco from 3:30pm to 8pm on October 7th, 2024.

This accident will accumulate top-tier common blockchain projects, bounded media, influencers and investors to altercate the accepted trends, the changes that the industry is facing, as able-bodied as the approaching of the blockchain amplitude and its abeyant appulse on the all-around community.  Blockchain x Odyssey: San Francisco is an exclusive, top-level meetup which will authority different and forward-thinking console discussions on the capacity of armamentarium Investments, cryptocurrency exchanges, administration of blockchain projects in the time of crisis, trading as able-bodied as keynote speeches and presentations delivered by Industry Professionals and Thought Leaders.

The accident will arise at 3:30pm with Opening Remarks by Partners from GBIC, Block72 and FBG Capital, followed by alternate panels and keynotes which will end at 7pm. The accident will be followed by a networking hour, calmly hosted at the Westin St. Francis, area the attendees will get the adventitious to admix with speakers and added industry professionals.

This is an absurd befalling to apprentice added about the alteration activating of the blockchain industry and be a allotment of SF’s aboriginal blockchain anniversary abounding with ablaze minds, cutting-edge technologies and forward-thinking industry leaders.

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