Brave Teams Up With Civic For Reusable KYC

Brave Teams Up With Civic For Reusable KYC


Vitalik isn’t giving abroad ETH, but if he anytime absitively to authority a absolute betrayal he’d accept a heck of a bad time proving that it’s absolutely him. Twitter has accurate itself awfully apathetic to handle copycats, to the point that scammers can alike use absolute profiles to actor acclaimed figures, and a real-life Bond villain like Elon Musk had to recruit alfresco advice from the Dogecoin founder.

However, that may change soon, acknowledgment to new protocols that could accomplish proving your character easier than demography out your drivers’ license. 

A new partnership was appear backward aftermost anniversary to add a verifiable, cryptographically-secured ID agenda to your Ethereum wallet. Civic, which produces a reusable KYC associated with specific addresses, has partnered with Brave, a cryptocurrency-powered browser, to acquiesce absolute publishers to prove their identities to their audience for codicillary payments.

The accord marks addition footfall appear commutual the Brave ecosytem, one of the few cryptocurrency projects to acquisition itself able-bodied on the alley appear accumulation adoption. Nearly 4 actor individuals use Brave every month, authoritative minute bill micropayment to over 21,000 publishers. 

“Brave and the Basic Attention Token aim to anon affix users and publishers in a cellophane arrangement to agreement aloofness and authenticity, after the intermediaries that autumn user data,” said Brendan Eich, CEO of Brave Software, in a columnist release. “Civic shares our ethics about aloofness and attention user information, and we’re aflame to assignment with them to action Civic Reusable KYC, which will be key to ensuring aegis and aloofness on our administrator network.”

It’s additionally a above accomplishment for Civic, whose advance in developing a blockchain character agreement has not prevented the badge from languishing in the back pages of CMC. Borough afresh launched “Civic Libre,” alms chargeless character analysis to accepted businesses until the end of 2018.

Instead of accepting to re-check their identities with anniversary new partner, accommodating businesses will be able to verify one anothers’ identities with the advance of a button. 

“Brave is a advocate browser that is active some of the better Internet aloofness challenges,” said Civic CEO Vinny Lingham. “As Brave is experiencing exponential administrator and user growth, implementing Civic will accredit added bodies to cautiously and deeply advance the Brave belvedere while establishing and comestible assurance amid publishers and users.”

The affiliation was appear at Consumer Identity World in Seattle aftermost week. Both companies were afresh called as “cool vendors in blockchain technology” in a Gartner report. 

The columnist has investments in Ethereum.