Coinbase Gift Card: An Irrelevant Crypto Distraction

Coinbase Gift Card: An Irrelevant Crypto Distraction


A Coinbase allowance agenda is the abutting weapon in the exchange’s arsenal, as it appear today that it is partnering with the UK online platform, WeGift.

According to a Bloomberg report, Coinbase will integrate its wallet with WeGift, enabling users to acquirement over 120 altered allowance cards, including brands like ASOS, Nike, Google Play, Tesco, and Uber with its listed cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC), ether (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Although currently belted to barter in Western Europe and Australia, Coinbase affairs to roll-out the account to the blow of the apple as anon as it can.

“Making crypto easier to use, barter and absorb is a amount allotment of our efforts to advance the chump experience,” said the CEO of Coinbase UK in a statement. “With the barrage of e-gift cards, barter now accept the advantage to absorb their crypto balances, realising its amount to buy actual things or experiences.”

The Coinbase Gift Card Gimmick: Recentralization At Work

Uber is a accepted apparatus to get about with, and ASOS is a convenient place to buy contemporary clothes, but both are middlemen. Their business archetypal works by bond suppliers to abeyant buyers and compensating themselves with a ample allotment of the profits.

In the United States, Uber takes a 20% agency from anniversary book and accuse a booking and account fee on top; drivers are self-employed and amenable for bartering and advancement their own cartage as able-bodied as advantageous for the petrol. By appointment the annoying overheads assimilate the drivers, Uber managed to rake in $2.6bn in the aboriginal division of 2024 (and alone managed to lose $312M, excluding the auction of its Southeast Asian and Russian business).

There accept been assorted attempts over the accomplished bristles years for ample companies to absorb cryptocurrency into their business structure. One of the best aerial contour was the biking booking website Expedia which started accepting Bitcoin for flights and hotels in 2024.

Expedia takes commission for bond holidaymakers up with hoteliers and airlines, like Uber, it is about a middleman. Pre-blockchain, activity through websites such as these was the alone applicable archetypal available. Someone, or some company, had to be amenable for the network, it couldn’t be aggregate amid all parties.

However, an important affection about blockchain is it cuts out Uber-esque middlemen. Buyers and sellers can articulation up apart on a decentralized network. As the database is aggregate amid all those involved, there is no atypical authoritative affair that either maintains or owns the network. Not accepting to amends a third affair helps accumulate authoritative costs to a minimum.

Cryptocurrency isn’t absolutely decentralized yet. There are companies that with significant influence in the sector. CoinMarketCap is one of the best visited websites on the internet and Coinbase had able-bodied over 13m users at the end of aftermost year; back it appear it was listing Ethereum Classic (ETC), the coin’s absolute amount added by $300m.

It’s important to bethink that Expedia agilely alone its Bitcoin acquittal advantage aloof aftermost month, citation a abiding abridgement of interest. To some admeasurement a vindication, application crypto to acquirement Uber-rides or ASOS clothes is about allotment third parties that will become surplus to requirement. If blockchain enables buyers and sellers to articulation up directly, what use are the old companies who do so for a fee? A Coinbase allowance agenda is basically irrelevant.

The account today agency that you can now pay for an Uber ride application Bitcoin, or get the account arcade in with Litecoin. But this is annihilation added than a gimmick, contemptuous in architecture and intention. Bread and circuses. Instead of advantageous into the aforementioned old model, cryptocurrency holders should use their assets to armamentarium projects that actualize decentralization.

After all, that’s what cryptocurrency is all about.

The columnist is invested in BTC and ETH, which are mentioned in this article.