CoinFLEX To Reward Early Investors In Native FLEX Token

CoinFLEX To Reward Early Investors In Native FLEX Token


CoinFLEX, a trading belvedere for physically delivered Bitcoin Futures, appear the barrage of its built-in cryptocurrency beforehand this week. The accession of FLEX Coin is a allotment of the exchange’s action to accolade aboriginal adopters of the CoinFLEX platform.

Users will accept circadian payouts of FLEX Coin based on the aggregate they barter on the exchange, about to the absolute aggregate traded on CoinFLEX daily. The tokens can be acclimated to account the amount of trading fees incurred during the antecedent day.

CoinFLEX, whose ambition is to accommodate a secure, scalable, all-around crypto futures exchange, will additionally acquaint the world’s aboriginal stablecoin-to-stablecoin futures product, forth with accretion opportunities for leveraged trading.  The accommodation to advance a built-in cryptocurrecy to brace with its barter was fabricated to added its added amount hypothesis to abeyant traders, and accolade accepted users for their loyalty.

According to Mark Lamb, CEO of CoinFLEX:

“With FLEX Bread we appetite to accolade aboriginal traders of the belvedere and body adherence application a aggregate barter coin.  We accept a growing cardinal of aerial contour backers, a bright roadmap for commitment and are affective afterpiece to our ambition of allowance crypto futures trading accomplish its abounding potential.”

CoinFLEX is additionally architecture a bunch of aerial contour banking backers in the crypto industry, with contempo contributions from blockchain adventure firms Digital Currency Group, and Polychain. CoinFLEX’s investors assume assured in the platforms approaching prospects, advertence that the barter has articular and targeted an underserved charge in the crypto space; cryptocurrency futures.

Polychain CEO Olaf Carson-Wee said: 

“We accept that Mark and his aggregation accept articular a gap in the burst mural of cryptocurrency exchanges. As a physically-settled futures exchange, CoinFLEX will be able-bodied positioned to abduction cogent adjustment breeze from speculators, institutional traders and Proof of Work miners gluttonous to barrier adjoin crypto amount and assortment amount volatility.”

Artificial intelligence and blockchain accept begin a accepted backer in SingularityNET, a close focused on auspiciously utilizing both blockchain and AI to transform the way broadcast networks are scaled and monetized.

Earlier this week, SingularityNET addled a accord with with Chinese allowance behemothic and $958 billion asset administration close Ping An, perennially rated the world’s best valuable allowance company, to agitate the $5 abundance all-around allowance market.

SingularityNET additionally denticulate the abutment of blockchain action Nature 2.0, one of the better broadcast balance systems in the Netherlands.  With the abetment of Ping An, SingularityNET, which aims to acquiesce anyone to actualize their own scalable, commercially ready, blockchain based services, is assertive to advantage its technology in the $5 abundance allowance industry.  The allowance close is currently because utilizing SingularityNET’s tech to apparatus the afterward protocols:

Ping An is anon testing SingularityNET’s solutions in AI, blockchain, and finance. According to Bai Meng, AI advance for Ping An:

“Ping An Technology and SingularityNET accept accomplished the ambition to coact in the acreage of Artificial Intelligence, accessible approaching admonition for accord accommodate (but are not bound to) OCR and archetypal training.” 

Aid from above institutions like Ping An gives blockchain technology a arch alpha at boundless implementation, and potentially, boundless all-around impact.

Dr Ben Goertzel, CEO at SingularityNET said:

“The calibration of Ping An provides ample opportunities to advertise the allowances of AI application. SingularityNET has an absolute ambition of applying and advancing AI for the acceptable of all humanity, and this includes leveraging its decentralized AI arrangement to optimize the world’s AI infrastructure, not aloof for ample corporations but for everyone.”

In accord with Nature 2.0, both firms will co-create algorithms in an accessible sourced address on SingularityNET’s afresh launched beta platform.

Jan-Peter Doomernik, Nature 2.0’s Lead Architect said:

 “Partnering with an industry baton like SingularityNET and administration our after-effects in an open-source address will booty this to the abutting level, developing communities of bodies who appetite to body on anniversary added to accomplish the apple a bigger place.”

As the technology progresses, blockchain will acceptable abide to access above industries and restructure the way acceptable systems operate.

The columnist is invested in agenda assets.