CryptoCompare Report Shows Exchange Security Still Worrying

CryptoCompare Report Shows Exchange Security Still Worrying


Don’t alcohol and drive, and don’t accumulate your bill online. Exchange aegis is still abundantly dismal, according to a sobering address by CryptoCompare. Many trading venues are still defective back it comes to attention users’ funds, and alone one third of exchanges abundance the all-inclusive majority of their users’ bill in algid wallets. 

The numbers were aggregate in the November 2018 Exchange Review,  which was based on a abstraction of 130 top cryptocurrency exchanges over the advance of the accomplished month. 

The analysis begin that, of the top 130 exchanges by circadian trading volume, “only 86% accept both a accessible aloofness action and a agreement & altitude page,” acceptation that a abounding 14% of exchanges do not acquaint users how their abstracts will be acclimated or what rights they abandonment by application the exchange. Eleven percent of the exchanges advised “have been afraid in the past.”

There are added causes for concern, back “Less than bisected of top exchanges appoint austere KYC requirements, while aloof beneath a third do not appoint KYC requirements.” Although KYC does not agreement the aegis of users’ accounts, austere identification requirements may accept a adverse aftereffect adjoin hacks. 

Custody may additionally be a account for concern, with alone alone 30% of exchanges autumn the all-inclusive majority —over 90%—of careful funds in algid wallets, the abstraction found.

Another 10% of exchanges stored 50-90% of user funds in algid storage, and 60% either stored “some” funds in algid accumulator or—more ominously—had no abstracts at all. 

Meanwhile, the safest means to barter funds are still amid the least-used. Decentralized exchanges, which acquiesce users to to barter after sending their funds to a third party, accounted for alone $2.6 actor USD per day: beneath than bisected a percent of all barter volume.

 Although alarming, the bearings may be beneath acute than it looks. For one thing, the numbers are not advised by barter volume—which agency that poorly-secured venues may be abundant but annual for alone baby atom of trading volume. Exchanges with stronger aegis protocols—like Bithumb and Coinbase—account for abundant beyond slices of the transaction pie. 

There are a few added things to apprentice as well. The Bitcoin Futures offered by CBOE and CME—once advised the tip of the Wall Street’s block for institutional investments—have had a about negligible aftereffect on crypto trading, accounting for a bald 0.25% of crypto trades. By comparison, the aggregate of futures trading on BitMex and added crypto exchanges was about a hundred times greater. 

CryptoCompare, which conducts this study, has afresh appear a new bartering API service to action adapted absolute time and actual abstracts for all bill and exchanges. The chargeless account is acclimated to bear up to 180 actor calls per hour at present – but the advancement may advice austere investors accumulate clue of which exchanges are operating at an adequate akin of comfort. 

Overall, the final account from the Exchange Review is not a analogously afflictive one. But for traders acquisitive for a added complete and adult cryptocurrency market, the latest abstracts appearance that they still accept a continued way to go.

The columnist is invested in agenda assets, including Bitcoin.