5 Decentralized Social Media Sites To Help #DeleteFacebook

5 Decentralized Social Media Sites To Help #DeleteFacebook


If abstracts is the new oil, Facebook is the avant-garde adaptation of the Exxon Valdez. Fake account is big business, and it’s accessible for axial actors to use and corruption their users. Corporate astroturfers will pay amply for a well-used Reddit account or amusing media mention. As for the uses of a absolute Twitter handle, well, the less said, the better. 

Unsurprisingly, several media giants accept fabricated moves to banknote in on cryptocurrency while actual centralized entities. Telegram and Kik captivated this years’ hottest ICOs, but their projects are still far from actualization. 

Facebook is befitting its cards close, but the abandonment of one of its admiral from the Coinbase lath has prompted belief that the amusing media behemothic is planning a blockchain, or alike a cryptocurrency, of its own. 

While centralized media companies abide to eye the crypto-space, several initiatives accept already started architecture platforms —without accumulated control. From a crypto-Twitter to a crypto-Medium, actuality are some of the arch community-based amusing media platforms. 


The Minds amusing arrangement aboriginal came to absorption aftermost year, back the aggregation became Twitter’s best eccentric–and atomic likely–competitor. Back then, the belvedere has breached a million users, migrated to Ethereum, and aural hours became the biggest DApp on the blockchain. Although the numbers accept back slipped, it’s still the abutting affair to accumulation acceptance in a apple of cryptokitties and Ponzi games. 

The minds abaft Minds aspect their success to the censorship-resistant qualities of the platform. “Minds owes its success on the mainnet today to its million-plus users, influencers, and creators,” the aggregation said in a columnist release, “many of whom abutting in June afterwards Vietnam’s new cybersecurity laws acceptance the government audacious admission to user abstracts on amusing networks like Facebook and Google.”

That abnegation fabricated it a hit in Southeast Asia, area abandon of announcement is sometimes a affluence rather than a right. It has additionally provided homes for viewpoints far alfresco the mainstream, in what CEO Bill Ottman declared to Crypto Briefing as  “niche arrangement effects.”

The aggregation began distributing its ERC-20 badge beforehand this week. In accession to incentivizing posts and participation, the badge is additionally acclimated to advance agreeable or accolade development. 


Memo is one of the niftier projects in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem. In abounding ways, it recalls the belligerent do-it-ourselves belief of Bitcoin’s infancy: instead of a billion-dollar crowdsale or a activating development team, Memo was created as a amusement activity by a brace of apathetic developers.

The aftereffect is article a bit like Twitter—except its letters can’t be censored or deleted, and abide arresting to anyone as continued as the blockchain is actuality mined. The account is not free, but back Bitcoin Cash is still active abandoned blocks, it would booty a few thousand posts afore the bill accomplished a penny. 

There’s alone one botheration with the Announcement Banknote system—it’s absurd aloof to try it. It’s chargeless to apprehend added people’s messages, but announcement on announcement banknote requires advantageous those tiny per-character transaction fees. Although those costs are abstinent in satoshis (and the amount of BCH is bottomward by the day) it still agency that new users can’t agreement with the arrangement after either trading a few pennies for crypto or award a faucet. Neither of those is absolutely hard, but the access barriers are aerial to put off the accidental user. 


Another points-incentivized blockchain system, this activity resembles a alliance amid Instagram and Artificial Intelligence.

After several years as a centralized application, the founders confused the app to the blockchain and afflicted the name to Sola, for Social Layer. That ability not be the best adapted name, but it’s a lot bigger than the aboriginal monicker: Plague.



Sola’s better addition is accomplishing abroad with accompany and afterward lists. Instead, it “spreads advice like a viral disease,” the aggregation says. “Each column is broadcast by an algorithm to users who are acceptable to adore that content, and anniversary of them is accustomed an befalling to reshare it.”

Not absolutely abiding that a ‘social disease’ will do bottomward as able-bodied as Facebook, but it’s a amazing thought.


Dan Larimer gets a lot of heat, but EOS’ antecedent is aggregate a crypto belvedere should be. Using and announcement to Steemit is simple, intuitive, and clashing Memo, involves basal cost-of-entry. If you didn’t apperceive any better, you’d never assumption it complex a cryptocurrency. 

Steemit is a bit like a alliance amid Medium and Reddit, area anniversary column and upvote is adored with a minute bulk of cryptocurrency. High-quality agreeable providers can advantage their followers, both to advance added agreeable and to accretion Steem points.

But it’s not a get-rich-quick arrangement so abundant as a token-based credibility system. Since Steem is awful inflationary, there’s no point in accession or apperception with the currency—instead, the alone absolute use of the badge is to absorb it in the means it was intended. There’s additionally a stablecoin, Steem dollars, which can be acclimated as a apartment adjoin inflation.

…and added to come

So far we’ve alone covered platforms that are already accessible for accessible use. There are additionally abounding added amusing media platforms, either rolling off the accumulation curve or still in the architecture phase. 

It’s adamantine to adumbrate how arrangement furnishings will appear in to play; best of these projects are added acceptable to become a decentralized MySpace than decentralized Facebook. But in an abridgement area user abstracts is one of the better commodities, it’s about time that users started demography a cut of their own.

The columnist has investments in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and added cryptocurrencies.