Final Letter From (This) Editor: How Crypto Survives

Final Letter From (This) Editor: How Crypto Survives

THELOGICALINDIAN - A new era for Crypto Briefing

Yesterday, Crypto Briefing enjoyed its best day ever, in agreement of the arduous cardinal of bodies account our site.

So it may assume odd that today is back I accept to move on to a altered claiming – while affable a new Editor to Crypto Briefing.

Two years ago, Han Kao and I met in a Telegram chat: we were amorous about cryptocurrency, and capital to accept a articulation in this industry – a articulation that was clear, authoritative, and admirable by shills and scammers.

We created Crypto Briefing – and back again I’ve edited the advertisement while our baby aggregation grew it from aught to become one of the best admired media brands in the business.

Our archetypal has consistently been about abolition the accustomed adjustment (since that it is what we address about every day).

We took no ads, no sponsored stories, and no freebies. We accept absolved the walk.

A Friendly Warning

But as I leave, it’s with a admonishing to the cryptocurrency industry, issued by addition who has spent article abutting to eight thousand hours staring at these six behemothic monitors over the accomplished 24 months.

I see a pattern. It has been basic for a continued time, and it is not good.

It’s a chase to the bottom, and it’s killing crypto.

While we never accepted the abutment of banks and governments, did we ever apprehend the akin of in-fighting that charge serve as a beholder action to the incumbents we challenge?

Did we anytime apprehend to see badge holders from one affected physically abuse the activity and ancestors of a admired founder, Ryan Selkis, whose alone abomination was to catechism their circulating supply?

Did we apprehend that a blockchain media aggregation would again broadcast erroneous belief and abort to abjure them; run appearance assassinations followed by apprehensive apologies; affair allegorical tweets that are deleted anniversary week?

Or that ‘maximalist’ would become an insult, because it trickled bottomward from actuality a appellation that referred to *ALL* who accept in the affiance of cryptocurrency, and became about tribalism and closed-mindedness instead?

This industry has one option, and alone one.

Become added inclusive.

Make the technology easier to use. Focus on persuading the aboriginal majority, because abounding of the innovators are already here. Support anniversary other’s projects with the ambition of adopting the contour of the absolute sector; don’t seek to abort the antagonism – it’s too aboriginal for a Facebook vs. MySpace battle.

Taking abandon is animal nature: but my abhorrence is that at the accepted rate, crypto will abide to blast – and that our Pyrrhic achievement will artlessly be the actualization of state- or corporate-controlled agenda currencies.

Alongside my aberrant team, I’ve formed adamantine to be an apostle for our industry. I still accept in a mission – to actualize a bigger abstruse anarchy than the aftermost one:

Look outwards, crypto believers: because that’s area the users are.

And that’s how we will, together, accomplish Satoshi’s accurate eyes a reality.

Special Thanks…

While dozens of bodies accept contributed to Crypto Briefing over the aftermost two years, I would abnormally like to acknowledge the ally – CEO Han Kao, Head of Research Ilya Abugov, Business Development Director Jay Putera, and Chief Code Reviewer Andre Cronje – for their active and committed work. They all allotment the ethics I’ve discussed here.

I would additionally like to acknowledge Associate Editor Paddy Baker, and above Deputy Editor Andrew Ancheta, for their talent, professionalism, and dedication.

Our accepted agenda includes top-class writers Mike Dalton, Paul de Havilland, Darren Kleine, Sarah Rothrie and Andrey Shevchenko: my acknowledgment to all of you for ensuring that the affection of Crypto Briefing has never been compromised.

And of course, to our investors: acknowledge you for the befalling to serve as advocates, and for acceptance us to body our readership after arrest or self-service.

And Welcome…

I accept in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology – which is why I’m captivated that addition accurate believer, Mitchell Moos (former beat administrator of CryptoSlate, one of my admired publications) will be demography the reins here.

I couldn’t leave Crypto Briefing in bigger hands.

If you’d like to break in touch, you can follow me on Twitter, connect on LinkedIn, or feel chargeless to aloof bead me an email: jonricecrypto @