India Weighs Crypto Exchange IP Address Ban: Report

India Weighs Crypto Exchange IP Address Ban: Report

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Indian government is because implementing measures to block cryptocurrency exchanges according to contempo letters

More bad account for crypto users in India. 

India Crypto Crush Ongoing 

The Indian government may block the IP addresses of cryptocurrency firms and exchanges, according to contempo reports. 

Local account aperture Business Today covered the update, amidst advancing belief surrounding the government’s attitude on cryptocurrencies. The government will anon acquaint the Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021, which is anticipation to accommodate a absolute ban on all cryptocurrencies. 

Earlier this month, a chief government official told Reuters that an incoming cryptocurrency ban was actual likely. They additionally said that captivation cryptocurrencies would be amiss by up to 10 years in prison, in what would be one of the toughest behavior in the world. 

In January, the government laid bottomward an calendar proposing a ban on “private cryptocurrencies” like Bitcoin as it prepares to body a axial coffer agenda currency. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has since advised banal promoters to avenue their crypto positions afore adopting funds. 

A ban on crypto exchanges would be addition drove on the amplitude if implemented. Recently, the government took a agnate move in hitting out adjoin Chinese adaptable apps and pornography. Hundreds of websites falling beneath the two categories are now aloof in the country. 

Loopholes to Possible Ban 

It’s cryptic what an barter ban would beggarly for automatic bazaar makers like Uniswap, which is attainable through IPFS. Moreover, experts accept acicular out that Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) could be acclimated to avoid any ban. One antecedent told bounded advertisement Business Standard: 

“Various routeslike VPNs, peer-to-peer trading, application banknote to buy/sell cryptocurrencies and use wallets alfresco India to abundance and alteration cryptos, application allotment of the money acceptable to accelerate away for advance aural the liberalised remittance arrangement absolute of $250,000 can be absent for affairs cryptocurrenciesremain loopholes”

Despite the fears, Indian authorities accept attempted to annihilate concerns. Speaking at India Today Conclave, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman appropriate that the government would admittance assertive uses of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology they’re underpinned by. 

“We are actual bright that we are not shutting all options. We will acquiesce assertive windows for bodies to do abstracts on blockchain, Bitcoins, or cryptocurrency,” she said. 

It’s estimated that India is home to about 7 actor cryptocurrency holders. A abounding ban could accelerate prices tumbling.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection had acknowledgment to UNI in a cryptocurrency index.