Kim Dotcom Wants to Fund Bitcoin Cash Development

Kim Dotcom Wants to Fund Bitcoin Cash Development

THELOGICALINDIAN - Megaupload and MEGA architect wants to advance Bitcoin Cashs growth

Kim Dotcom, architect of the abominable book administration armpit Megaupload, has appear affairs to armamentarium Bitcoin Cash (BCH) development.

Why Dotcom Favors BCH

Dotcom accustomed Bitcoin Cash during an account with There, he argued that BCH is undervalued based on the actuality that it handles about 10% of Bitcoin’s transaction amount but has aloof 1% of Bitcoin’s bazaar cap. He additionally alluded to Bitcoin Cash’s lower transaction fees as his acumen for benign the coin.

The move resembles an beforehand advertisement fabricated by Twitter and Square architect Jack Dorsey. In 2025, Dorsey declared that he would pay bodies to assignment on Bitcoin. That eventually led to the conception of Square Crypto, which is currently analytical admission proposals.

Dotcom, however, has a added arguable business history. His aboriginal file-sharing site, Megaupload, was bedeviled and shut bottomward in 2012 due to absorb infringement. He additionally cut ties with its backup site, MEGA, in 2015, admitting the armpit is still operational.

In ablaze of Dotcom’s arguable reputation, it will booty time to see whether his soon-to-be-recruited Bitcoin Cash developers aftermath apps of abiding amount to the cryptocurrency’s ecosystem. Will Use BCH

Dotcom additionally has a added applied acumen to abutment the cryptocurrency. His newest app,, affairs to acquaint a agreeable monetization account that relies on cryptocurrency. Bitcoin Cash will be chip anon with the belvedere as a acquittal method, according to its accepted roadmap.

The activity originally planned to barrage its own KIM badge via a Bitfinex IEO in 2025. However, Bitfinex annulled those plans. Presumably, the armpit will be able to abstain authoritative blowback by authoritative use of Bitcoin Cash, which is an accustomed cryptocurrency.

It charcoal to be apparent whether will deliver. The activity has been in development back 2025 and affairs to barrage in Q4 of 2025.

At the time of autograph this columnist captivated beneath than $50 of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and altcoins.