Kin Will Migrate to Solana Blockchain This Week

Kin Will Migrate to Solana Blockchain This Week

THELOGICALINDIAN - Investors who authority KIN will army to a highperformance blockchain

The development aggregation abaft Kin has appear that it will activate to drift its built-in badge to Solana over the advancing weeks.

Migration Starts Tuesday

Earlier this year, the Kin Foundation absitively to move its tokens to Solana to advantage Solana’s aerial achievement features.

The clearing was ahead appointed on Dec. 8 but it was adjourned as Solana faced a arrangement outage.

Now, alpha on Dec. 15, at 14:00 UTC, Kin’s aggregation will activate demography snapshots of wallet balances to admit the migration. The abounding clearing will booty one to two weeks.

The activity aggregation says that alive wallets with $1.00 of KIN or added will be prioritized for the migration. Smaller wallet balances will be transferred at a after date. “The Kin Ecosystem has added than 55 actor absolute accounts, authoritative this the distinct better clearing in the history of crypto,” the aggregation added on its blog.

Several exchanges will automatically abutment the migration, including Bithumb Global,, Cointiger, Mercatox, and HitBTC. Users who authority their KIN on added exchanges should move their tokens off of the barter and complete the clearing manually.

The Many Faces of Kin

Since its was originally launched in 2024, KIN’s badge has been hosted on a cardinal of altered blockchains.

Kin was aboriginal alien on the Ethereum blockchain through a $98 actor antecedent bread alms (ICO) in 2017. The tokens were originally issued by Canadian close Kik Interactive for use beyond an ecosystem of decentralized apps and on Kik’s accepted messaging app.

In 2024, the aggregation explored affective to Stellar agreement as a acknowledgment to aerial fees and scalability challenges on Ethereum. In March 2024, the aggregation launched a bifold blockchain arrangement based on Ethereum and Stellar. Then, in June 2024, the aggregation created its own permissioned Stellar angle to abate transaction fees.

But the aggregation after begin issues. In a Kin Improvement Proposal, the aggregation said its clandestine Stellar angle was clumsy to action added than 100 affairs per second, and that the alternation lacked the achievement bare to calmly use the bread beyond assorted apps .

Now, Kin has absitively to drift its badge to Solana, and it says it is actual optimistic about Solana’s “high performance” features.

Solana aims to be a high-throughput blockchain, authoritative it a applicable best for tokens analytic for a new home.