Pillar Crypto Wallet Debuts Alongside Rap Anthem: Inspiring Or Irrelevant?

Pillar Crypto Wallet Debuts Alongside Rap Anthem: Inspiring Or Irrelevant?


The Pillar Project, a blockchain centered action to accommodate an all-in-one band-aid for agenda asset management, has appear the official barrage of its capital offering. The Pillar Wallet provides users with a beginner-friendly accumulator interface with abutment for Ethereum, all ERC20 tokens, and all ERC721 non-fungible tokens such as Crypto Kitties or other gaming assets

For affluence of use and accessibility, the app blends appearance of a amusing media appliance with a cryptocurrency accumulator device. According to the project’s press release, Pillar’s account will be the aboriginal to action a cardinal of different appearance such as:

The Pillar aggregation is absolutely not defective in activity for their project, and they accept arbitrary way of assuming it. To bang off its announcement, the Pillar Activity appear a rap song featuring Inverse K via YouTube, which is meant to serve as an canticle for cryptocurrency holders who are annoyed of relying on capricious companies, banks, or institutions to abode their funds, identities and clandestine information.

The hookline of the song exemplifies its ‘fight the power’ mentality, and goes as follows:

“Our data’s trapped so we’re takin’ it aback and blockchain’ll accomplish this bold a pain’a the past, account alone those we accept will be able to admission with passes that automatically assure our assets.”

The absorbed was acceptable sincere, and aimed at apropos to and alarming crypto enthusiasts, admitting it appear to alloyed reviews in the comments. Admitting not a above setback, the rap video was apparently not the wisest use of business money, as flat time, assembly costs and video alteration fees for a video of that affection apparently wasn’t account friendly.

Furthermore, the accomplished attack begs the question, “who asked for this” ? It’s difficult to anamnesis any contempo instance in which either a regulator, a lawmaker, or alike a acclaimed crypto YouTube personality anticipation that what the amplitude bare to absolutely access up accumulation acceptance was a crypto-themed a rap song.

In fact, it’s adamantine to bethink blockchain rap ever actuality allotment of the accumulation acceptance roadmap.

On the added hand, if the purpose of the rap video was to get bodies talking about the Pillar Wallet, well, actuality we are.

In any case, the project’s boldness, both in aim and in business strategy, shows that Pillar is onboard with what decentralized tech is all about: claimed ascendancy over one’s clandestine info, funds, and identity.

The columnist is invested in agenda assets, but none mentioned in this article.