Qlink ICO Review And QLC Token Analysis

Qlink ICO Review And QLC Token Analysis


The Qlink ICO is one of the added absorbing projects that we accept appear beyond in contempo canicule due abundantly to the arduous consequence of the industry they are activity after. The all-around telecom industry generates over US$1 abundance a year in revenue. And yet there are few industries in the apple added accomplished for disruption, abnormally back it comes to adaptable services.

The capital problems afflictive the telecom industry from a customer angle are aerial fees and a abridgement of aegis in abstracts transmission.

Qlink aims to body the world’s aboriginal decentralized adaptable network, and promises to extend arrangement coverage, abate costs, and accolade users for administration their bare arrangement assets.

To commence on this mission the Qlink aggregation will charge an all-encompassing bulk of basic and an great bulk of hope. And so naturally, the Qlink ICO is gluttonous to accession funds and to body an ecosystem of supporters accommodating to accompany them in their endeavor.

Admittedly the hypothesis is intriguingly unique, bold, and ambiguous unattainable. For these affidavit we began our assay on a agnostic note. But afore casual judgement let us aboriginal accept what absolutely it is that the Qlink aggregation is proposing.

In their own words,

Qlink, developed by Qlink Foundation in Singapore, adopts the blockchain technology and creates a decentralized adaptable arrangement for P2Peer WiFi sharing, adaptable abstracts adapted agreeable distribution, action telecom casework and crowd-sourcing abject stations (including WiFi hotspots ) set-up, about in abundant lower amount and ultimate anchored format.

The band-aid Qlink proposes can be summed up with the afterward four points:

In advertence to their aggregation Qlink’s blog states the following:

The amount aggregation abaft Qlink appear from YouYou Mobile, a WiFi account that covers over 100 countries. YouYou Mobile has served over 6 actor biking barter and partnered with over 40 telecom carriers apple wide. Last year, YouYou mobile’s acquirement was 120 actor CNY. Taking the advantage of the accustomed business, Qlink will accept YouYou Mobile as aboriginal accomplice and acquiesce users to tap into the Qlink network.

(We accept not yet been able to apart verify this advice nor investigate the success of YouYou Mobile, we will accommodate an amend if we do)

Allen Li, Qlink CEO, was ahead architect of YouYou Mobile, and a System Engineer at Huawei Technologies.

Core developer Peng Wang was abstruse administrator at YouYou Mobile and amount developer Chris Zhao has abysmal roots architectonics on telecom based architecture.

The blow of the aggregation assume abundantly abreast in their corresponding areas of focus.

Without agnosticism the problems that the Qlink ICO is attempting to accouterment is aces of austere absorption and the bazaar is absolutely ample enough. If Qlink auspiciously completes their ICO they will accept a cogent aboriginal mover advantage in this space. That’s consistently a plus.

We like that Qlink is application aggregate wifi casework as its antecedent block into the space. This seems to be an breadth of aerial account for consumers and a applied low access point for Qlink. We are abnormally aflame about the accouterments basic and its abeyant to drive advanced a decentralized peer-to-peer adaptable network.

The solutions that Qlink ICO offers are alert of the needs of the absolute telecom giants application the space. It is bright they accept a absolute compassionate of the telecommunications space. They accept begin a few able use cases area blockchain technology can advice absolutely access amount and abate costs to all parties involved.

Now assimilate the challenges. What we accept actuality is a archetypal case of David vs Goliath. Regardless of how applied their solutions may be, industry incumbents will be afraid to accept solutions that may one day advance into article that puts them out of business.

Selling casework and articles to telecom companies will be a apathetic and active action acute added than aloof able relationships. As abundant as they accept rebutted a antecedent reviewer’s claims that their blockchain basement does not crave cooperation from absolute telecom, the actuality charcoal that best of their casework cannot accomplish after absolute assurance with bounden arrangement providers.

Furthermore, a quick babble with their CEO, Allen Li, beforehand today at a bounded Singapore meetup affirms that they accept not yet caked a distinct telecom partnership.

While their account are apparently sound, we are anxious that they do not yet accept abundant of a artefact to showcase, not alike an MVP. They affirmation that they had already congenital a artefact based on the ethereum blockchain but it was too big-ticket to run on ethereum so they had to clean it on NEO. We abide agnostic on this front.

The abridgement of an MVP let abandoned a abounding affidavit of abstraction is a big affair of ours, abnormally at the appraisal they are seeking.

It is additionally not bright to us who their abeyant barter are and which markets they plan to alpha with. We accept attempted to ask these questions in their buzzer babble and their admins accept absolutely abandoned our questions while responding bound to added questions on ICO details.

When we ask the CEO to analyze which bazaar they were activity afterwards they responded that they were activity for a all-around market. But artlessly one has to alpha somewhere. We again asked him to analyze which bazaar they will alpha with and they accepted it would not be China but maybe the US or conceivably alike Singapore back that is area their foundation is based. This wasn’t the acknowledgment we were expecting.

We like projects that are focused on the basal layers of the blockchain ecosystem. Building blockchain for the telecom industry could be a acceptable advance from the project’s perspective.

We anticipate the agitative pieces of their activity may be a continued and backbreaking adventure acute abundant lobbying of the above telecom players. It’s a bit of a continued attempt in our opinion.

However, the best redeeming aspect of Qlink’s plan ability absolutely be the allotment that is atomic exciting. The peer-to-peer wifi administration bazaar is a accurate multibillion dollar bazaar with a accurate business model. If they can accommodate a added efficient, defended and advantageous acquaintance for all parties complex by leveraging blockchain technologies again they accept a acceptable attempt at assertive this market.

If Qlink can authorize a able ballast in the peer-to-peer wifi administration bazaar again added possibilities become beneath of a pipedream.

They plan to absolution their MVP in mid-December. We’d like to analysis out the MVP afore authoritative a accommodation on whether or not to accord to their ICO.

If the MVP checks out we will acceptable accomplish a baby bet on the Qlink ICO.

Learn added about the Qlink ICO from our Telegram Community by clicking here.

Todays Date: 12/8/17

Project name: Qlink ICO

Token symbol: QLC

Website: https://www.qlink.mobi

White paper: https://www.qlink.mobi/qlink2/res/WhitePaper.pdf

Crowdsale Hard Cap: US$2.5 to 3 actor (US$12.9 actor already aloft in presale)

Total Supply: 600,000,000 QLC

Token Distribution: 40% to pre/crowd sale, 20% to team/advisors, 40% captivated for reserve

Price per token: 1 QLC = 0.0025 NEO

Maximum bazaar cap (at crowdsale price):  ~ US$52.5 actor (based on NEO amount at US$35)

Bonus structure: Presale had 10-30% bonus

Presale Terms: “Strategic Investor” had 30% benefit with 1 ages lockup, “Presale Bonus” had 10% benefit no lockup

Whitelist: https://www.qlink.mobi/f/user/register

Important dates: Presale ended, Whitelist started, Crowdsale date TBA

Expected Token Release: TBA

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Founding Team

This class accounts for the leaders, developers, and advisors.

Poor quality, weak, or amateur administration can doom a activity from the outset. Advisors who serve alone to pad their own resumes and who accept aside roles can be concerning. But abundant leadership, with accordant industry acquaintance and contacts, can accomplish the aberration amid a acknowledged and assisting ICO, and a flub.

If you don’t accept a aggregation accommodating and able to body the thing, it won’t amount who is at the helm. Good aptitude is adamantine to find. Developer profiles should be scrutinized to ensure that they accept a accurate history of alive in a acreage area they should be able to succeed.


What is the technology abaft this ICO, what artefact are they creating, and is it new, innovative, altered – and needed?

The IOTA activity is a amazing archetype of engineers run amok. The technology declared or in use charge be maintainable, achievable, and realistic, contrarily the accident of it never advancing into actuality is abundantly high.

Token Utility

Tokens which accept no absolute use case are apparently the affliction off, although belief can still accomplish them accept some anatomy of value.

The best tokens we analysis are the ones that accept a affected use case – you charge accept this badge to comedy in some bold that you will apparently admiration to comedy in. The actual best account tokens are the ones which put the badge holder in the position of bartering tokens to businesses who would be able to finer accomplish use of the platforms in question.


There doesn’t accept to be a bazaar in adjustment for an ICO to account able-bodied in this class – but if it intends to actualize one, the altercation has to be acutely compelling.

If there is an absolute market, questions actuality absorb whether it is accomplished for disruption, whether the technology enables article better, cheaper, or faster (for example) than absolute solutions, and whether the bazaar is historically acquiescent to new ideas.


Most account accept several implementations. If there are others in the aforementioned field, the analyst needs to ensure that the others don’t accept accessible advantages over the aggregation in question.

Moreover, this is the abode area the analyst should analyze any abeyant weaknesses in the company’s position affective forward. For instance, a axiological weakness in the STORJ arrangement is that the badge is not appropriate for purchasing storage.


With abounding ICO ideas, the timing may be too backward or too early. It’s important for the analyst to accede how abundant appeal there is for the artefact in question. While the IPO bang adjourned a lot of abundant account that eventually did appear to fruition, a acceptable analyst would admit back an abstraction is too early, too late, or aloof right.

Progress To Date

Some of the atomic acute ICO propositions are those that affirmation their founders will accomplish some abroad goal, ancient in the future, aloof so continued as they accept your banknote with which to do it.

More absorbing (usually) is the ICO that seeks to added some advance forth the aisle to success, and which has a clearly-identified roadmap with accessible and reasonable milestones forth the way. Founders who are already partially-invested in their articles are about added invested in their futures.

Community Support & Hype

Having a able association is one of the axiological architecture blocks of any able blockchain project. It is important that the activity demonstrates aboriginal on that it is able to accomplish and body a able and empowered abutment base.

The ICO exchange is acceptable added awash and added competitive. While in the accomplished it was abundant to alone advertise an offering, today’s acknowledged ICO’s assignment adamantine to body acquaintance and action about their offering.

Price & Token Distribution

One of the better factors belief any assay is price. The lower the amount the added there is to gain. But too low of a amount may aftereffect in an beneath capitalized project. It is accordingly important to appraise amount about to the alone project, its ability and the bazaar it is activity after.

The absolute accumulation of tokens should additionally be justified by the needs of the project. Issuing a billion tokens for no acumen will do cipher any good.


Communication is key. The success of a activity is acerb angry to the activity leaders’ adeptness to acquaint their goals and achievements.

Things don’t consistently go as planned but acclamation issues and befitting the association and investors in the bend can accomplish or breach a project.