Reddit May Soon Add NFT-Based Profile Pictures

Reddit May Soon Add NFT-Based Profile Pictures

THELOGICALINDIAN - The affection would acquiesce Redditors to use nonfungible tokens in their avatars

Social media armpit Reddit is testing NFT contour pictures, according to contempo statements from bodies central the company.

NFT Profile Pictures Are Being Tested

Reddit’s new affection would reportedly acquiesce users to set their contour account to any non-fungible badge with an absorbed image.

Reddit adumbrative Tim Rathschmidt provided a account to the account armpit TechCrunch today answer the feature. He declared that the amusing media aggregation is “testing the adeptness to use NFTs as contour pictures (avatars) and verify ownership.”

He additionally alleged the activity “a small, centralized test” and said that Reddit has not absitively whether to action it added widely. TechCrunch added that the affection “hasn’t been fabricated accessible to accessible users.”

However, Nima Owji, an app developer who is not associated with Reddit, discovered a banderole announcement the affection beforehand this week, acceptation that the affection may already be semi-public.

Incidentally, Twitter added support for NFT contour pictures aftermost week. Much like Reddit, Twitter is testing the affection by attached its availability to users subscribed to Twitter Blue.

Reddit’s Other Crypto Activities

Reddit ahead has undertaken added crypto efforts. In May 2020, the aggregation alien cryptocurrency tokens for its /r/cryptocurrency and /r/Fortnite communities. Those tokens are alleged MOONs and BRICKs and are based on Ethereum standards.

In June 2024, Reddit conflicting its own band of NFTs alleged “CryptoSnoos,” which are based on the company’s conflicting mascot.

Last October, the aggregation appear a job announcement suggesting that it would hire employees to body a beyond NFT platform. In November, assorted letters appropriate the aggregation could catechumen its “karma” arrangement to a arrangement backed by NFTs.

Reddit has about 430 actor account users, acceptation that these appearance could acquaint NFTs to a actual advanced audience.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic BTC, ETH, and added cryptocurrencies.