Robinhood IPOs Amid Uniswap Partnership Rumors

Robinhood IPOs Amid Uniswap Partnership Rumors

THELOGICALINDIAN - Class A shares will activate trading at 38 beneath the ticker HOOD

Shares of the banal and crypto-trading app Robinhood will activate trading today, with the $38 starting amount account the aggregation at $31.7 billion. 

Robinhood Goes Public

After abounding delays, Robinhood is assuredly ablution its antecedent accessible alms (IPO).

In a Wednesday press release, the commission-free agent appear that its IPO will alpha afterwards the bazaar opens on Jul. 29, with 55 actor shares of Class A accepted banal priced at $38 apiece. 

In accession to about alms shares on the Nasdaq Global Select Market, Robinhood will acquiesce its users to buy up to a third of all shares advanced of the barrage through its trading app. Early admission to a awful advancing IPO usually attracts abundant assurance from investors and institutions alike. However, as the IPO barrage amount of $38 is at the lower end of appraisement estimates, it may announce beneath absorption than expected. 

A abridgement of absorption in the IPO may be due to the bulk of controversies Robinhood encountered this year. In January, the aggregation faced astringent accessible backfire afterwards akin users from affairs GameStop shares during a widely-publicized short squeeze. In May, the Robinhood app crashed as Dogecoin accomplished new best highs, locking users out from trading and sparking outrage amid customers. 

Despite the acrimony afterward the Dogecoin debacle, it seems that an accretion cardinal of crypto traders are application Robinhood. In the aboriginal division of 2021, the aggregation reported that 17% of its acquirement came from users trading cryptocurrencies, compared to alone 4% in the antecedent quarter. Of Robinhood’s cryptocurrency revenue, 34% came anon from users trading Dogecoin. 

With the money aloft in today’s IPO, Robinhood is attractive to aggrandize its chump abutment operations, appoint added staff, and accommodated its tax obligations in the future. As allotment of Robinhood’s accepted hiring efforts, CFO Jason Warnick declared that the aggregation wants to aggrandize its crypto assemblage by hiring an added committed CFO. 

Expanding its crypto assemblage is not the alone way Robinhood is agreeable with crypto markets. In a since-deleted video of aftermost week’s Ethereum Community Conference presentation, DeFi agreement Uniswap hinted at a accessible affiliation with the adaptable stockbroker. During the presentation, Uniswap Labs advance advance Ashleigh Schap stated:

“One of the air-conditioned things that we’ve absolutely been talking about with them [Robinhood] is a way to use Uniswap to automatically achieve a barter for archetype appropriate back it happens with the user.”

As rumors spread, Uniswap was quick to set the almanac straight, with Uniswap Labs COO Mary-Catherine Lader advertence that “Uniswap has no accepted accord with Robinhood.”

Robinhood has apparent atomic growth, added than tripling its acquirement from 2019 to 2020. As the aggregation continues to grow, accretion its crypto attendance will be a aerial antecedence as the area continues to allure new retail investors. 

Disclaimer: At the time of autograph this feature, the columnist endemic BTC and ETH.