Five dApps That Could Lead To A Major Reversal In ICON Prices (And Yes - Karaoke!)

Five dApps That Could Lead To A Major Reversal In ICON Prices (And Yes - Karaoke!)

THELOGICALINDIAN - Heres whats advancing to the ICON ICX blockchain ecosystem

It’s a big year for ICON. The Korean “blockchain of blockchains” is about to barrage the aboriginal date of its ICONSENSUS program, area its participants will vote on-chain in the acclamation of abounding nodes, alleged P-Reps. Pre-voting will commence on August 26.

Meanwhile, the activity has additionally afresh launched a “Fee 2.0” transaction fee model. Previously, users of ICON-based dApps would accept to authority ICX tokens as transaction fees. The new archetypal removes this requirement, advantageous a cogent barrier to access and auspicious non-crypto users to accept ICON dApps.

Another contempo development is the rollout of DID and DPASS. DID stands for decentralized ID, an character affidavit arrangement which runs on the ICON blockchain. DPASS is a adaptable appliance for a decentralized passport. The iOS adaptation is beneath analysis by the Apple App Store, and an Android adaptation will be appear later.

But new appearance aside, blockchain platforms charge applications if they’re to accomplish boundless adoption. So, actuality are bristles dApps apery the ICON blockchain.


If you’re a lover of karaoke, or alike if you aloof adore blithely punny names, again you’ll get a bang out of SOMESING. It’s an ICON dApp that aims to about-face your crooning into cash.

Most accepted karaoke casework are based on users advantageous for content. However, SOMESING allows ambitious warblers to almanac their songs into its dApp, and get paid in rewards from admirers who adore their efforts.

That ability accession some eyebrows in the West, but it’s account pointing out that in South Korea, Japan, and added Asian countries, karaoke is massive. In Seoul, you can acquisition a noraebang (private karaoke hall) on around every artery corner, which can be busy by the hour for you and your accompany to belt out the ballads to your heart’s content.

So, far from actuality a punny gimmick, SOMESING could absolutely be assimilate something.

Blue Whale Foundation

The Blue Whale Foundation is a belvedere for freelancers that aims to affected the challenges of accepted casework such as Upwork, Fiverr, and alike Uber.

Several blockchain projects affiance to affix aeon anon after bribery off the ample commissions answerable by companies in the absolute gig economy. However, Blue Whale Foundation wants to go a footfall further.

Along with abutting freelancers and gig abridgement workers with -to-be leads, it aims to accommodate workers with commensurable allowances bales to employees. It does this by advancement a Reward Bank of aloof tokens, which can be acclimated to awning things like paid leave and pensions.

Blue Whale Foundation has already onboarded Verlocal, a SaaS band-aid for booking and scheduling, which will be anchored assimilate Blue Whale freelancers’ websites. Blue Whale is additionally actuality acclimated by the abutting ICON dApp – LogisticsX.


LogisticsX aims to accouterment one of the better challenges of the acumen area – last-mile delivery. While the acumen area is appealing able at affective appurtenances amid above administration hubs, accepting to the end customer is the best arduous part. It’s estimated to account for over 50% of the absolute commitment cost.

LogisticsX is developing an ICON-based arrangement that enables bounded businesses and individuals to act as recipients for parcels, and again brings in “runners” to booty them from the almsman to the end consumer. The aggregation is application Blue Whale Arrangement to administer the freelancers accommodating in the LogisticsX network.

Along with ability gains, LogisticsX aims to abate the accident of absent deliveries and advance the application altitude of freelance acumen couriers.


ZenSports is a peer-to-peer sports action exchange aiming to akin the arena acreage adjoin profit-seeking bookmakers.

Whereas acceptable sports action depends on the actuality of the bookmaker as a middleman, the ZenSports appliance enables aeon to bet adjoin one another, so anyone can put bottomward or acquire a bet. It uses its own token, alleged SPORTS, to accredit faster payouts with lower transaction fees than absolute fiat-based platforms.

ZenSports takes a mobile-first approach. While it affairs to advance a web browser aperture in the future, the aggregation is demography a punt on its adaptable apps ambrosial to Gen Z and Millenial users. ZenSports additionally eventually affairs to extend its alms out into added sports acquirement streams such as ticketing and merchandise.


Although it sounds like a amplitude mission, DiscoverX is on a altered adventure – to become a added cost-effective agent for the biking sector.

Over contempo years, the auberge booking bazaar has become bedeviled by a baby accumulation of online biking agencies (OTAs), like Booking Holdings and Expedia Group. These OTAs allegation ample fees to auberge owners. While cipher is suggesting we whip out the violins for the billionaire Hilton family, these fees can be crippling for a family-run guesthouse operating on bound margins.

Furthermore, the OTAs are awfully bound in administration their profits with the biking media and agreeable creators who actualize referrals.

DiscoverX is an ICON dApp that aims to use the peer-to-peer connectivity of blockchain to actualize a accomplished new biking ecosystem that isn’t abased on the OTAs. Currently, the artefact seems to be focused on the South Korean market. However, it if it campaign well, the OTA’s could be due for a shake-up.

Ecosystem Growth Beats Price Action

Although the ICX badge is currently disturbing to about-face about a bearish run, the ICON arrangement appears to be growing steadily and the activity is authoritative absolute headway.

It will additionally be absorbing to see if the accessible P-Rep elections can abstain the arrangement adversity from the aforementioned centralization issues as the brand of EOS. Assuming ICON continues in the appropriate direction, the ICX badge may angle a adventitious of convalescent in the continued term.