SpaceX Launches Flight to ISS with Ethereum Node

SpaceX Launches Flight to ISS with Ethereum Node

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Ethereum bulge will be active in the International Space Station appearance the additional blockchains abutting footfall appear decentralization and immutability

While Elon Musk’s contempo tweets accept beatific the crypto bazaar into a downturn, his aggregation SpaceX has collaborated with SpaceChain to accelerate an Ethereum bulge to the International Space Station.

Ethereum Node Heads to Space

SpaceX is accustomed an Ethereum bulge to the International Space Station.

The mission is accident as allotment of a affiliation with SpaceChain, a belvedere that focuses on amalgam blockchain technology in space. In a Friday blog post, SpaceChain accepted that an Ethereum bulge had amorphous its flight on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Zee Zhang, SpaceChain’s co-founder and CEO, said of the update:

“We are captivated in bringing the Ethereum belvedere to amplitude and acceptance why a decentralized accessory basement created with amplitude technologies is basic to acumen the abounding abeyant of blockchain applications.”

Once the bulge is affiliated to the International Space Station, an Australian agenda asset administration armamentarium alleged Nexus will be accustomed absolute access. The fintech close offers blockchain and Internet of Things solutions for web-native clients.

Ethereum’s bulge in amplitude is addition mark of the network’s immutability. Blockchain nodes are acclimated to verify transactions. As they become added dispersed, the arrangement becomes decidedly harder to hack. Nexus, as able-bodied as added approaching audience of SpaceChain, can use these nodes to ensure greater aegis for their agenda assets. SpaceChain offers aegis solutions, so this amplitude bulge can add as a defended backup.

“With Ethereum’s acute arrangement belvedere active in alien space, it enables us to fortify blockchain applications and affairs with added aegis and immutability,” Zhang added. Active Ethereum in amplitude is a decidedly able assurance of the accretion decentralization of blockchain technology, which is cardinal for its mission of accouterment an immutable, censorship-resistant network.

In accession to the Ethereum node, the addition also includes a accumulation of babyish bobtail squid for accurate analysis purposes.

While some accept speculated that SpaceX facilitating an Ethereum node’s barrage into amplitude could be a assurance that Musk is axis his absorption to the second-ranked blockchain, his contempo Twitter action has been added focused on Bitcoin and Dogecoin in contempo months. Musk posted a tweet alluding to a alienation with Bitcoin aftermost night, sending the aboriginal crypto into freefall. Ethereum additionally tumbled; ETH is bottomward 5.2% today.

Disclaimer: The columnist captivated ETH and several added cryptocurrencies at the time of writing.