Traceto ICO Review and T2T Token Analysis

Traceto ICO Review and T2T Token Analysis


Traceto ICO Overview

The Traceto ICO and T2T Token action a decentralised Know Your Customer (KYC) arrangement that provides a absolute band-aid for companies in the crypto amplitude by accumulation automatic character analysis with the blockchain.

With the contempo access in the acceptance of the cryptocurrency market, the charge for added able and automated approaches to KYC is self-evident. The aspect of anonymity inherent to the technology makes the charge for new approaches to KYC alike added pressing.

Traceto ICO Value Proposition

Traceto is a decentralized agenda character arrangement for streamlining KYC procedures. The ancestor aggregation abaft Traceto, Cynopsis Solutions, offers a KYC software artefact alleged Artemis that is already acclimated aural the crypto amplitude by brand of Kyber and ICON for administering KYC/ Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures on investors.

Artemis automates the on-boarding, KYC, AML accident appraisal and affidavit processes for customers. Building off the absolute product, Traceto introduces blockchain into the arrangement as a agency to accommodated the accretion challenges presented by KYC in the crypto space.

Personal Identification Information (PII) is uploaded by the User, encrypted with a accessible key, and will initially be stored on IPFS. Traceto introduces a “liveliness” aspect to conduct character analysis for users, acute them to almanac a abbreviate video. Traceto utilizes facial acceptance in accession to a time signature of the video upload as mechanisms to added ensure adjoin fraud.

A Corporate Requester, such as an ICO or barter that requires KYC services, utilizes the Traceto Token to admission User acceptability array or character documents, for a anchored aeon of time.

Traceto aim to accommodate a different arrangement of decentralized analysis by a arrangement of aeon into the all-embracing acceptability account assigned to the agenda ID of a User. A Verifier is a trusted User who stakes T2T to accretion the befalling to acquire T2T by assuming KYC accompanying tasks. Verifiers abide stricter accomplishments checks, screening and advancing due diligence. Verifiers additionally serve as gatekeepers to User data.

The data, stored in a defended encrypted vault, can alone be decrypted by either the Users themselves or the Requester afterwards accepting permission from a minimum cardinal of Verifiers. Verifiers themselves never accept admission to encrypted abstracts of Users. Instead, they are tasked with administering an added akin of due activity congenital into Traceto’s amusing acceptability system.

Verifiers accomplish an added akin of KYC through advice that is accessible in the accessible domain, via amusing media or accessible records. Traceto intend to advance amusing analysis to supplement the approved KYC process, as a footfall against added decentralization. The resultant acceptability account will be included with a User’s agenda ID.

The Traceto Ecosystem will arrange several DApps to facilitate the KYC network:

User DApp – provides Users an interface to admission the Traceto Network. The onboarding action begins back the user uploads his or her PII and passes the activity test.

Service Provider DApp – allows a Service Provider to analysis KYC advice and amend  reputation scores. The array will be encrypted and put on to the chain. Cynopsis Solutions will act as the antecedent Service Provider aloft barrage of the network.  

Corporate Requestor DApp – gives Corporate Requesters an interface to pay for Users’ KYC requests and renew them aloft expiry. It additionally offers admission to User accessible keys and KYC scores.

Community DApp – allows association Verifiers to conduct amusing analysis of new users, administer to become a Verifier, handle requests from Requester parties to appearance user documents, and accomplish added babyminding roles.

Diagram of Traceto DApp Ecosystem

The Traceto Token (T2T) is congenital on the Ethereum Network. Corporate Requesters acquirement KYC casework to onboard new users application T2T. In adjustment to become a Verifier, Users are additionally appropriate to pale a assertive bulk of T2T. This pale will be a baby initially, but increases as the cardinal of Users and Verifiers increases. Rewards to Verifiers for assuming KYC tasks are paid in T2T.

Traceto ICO Team

Chye Kit Chionh is the Founder and CEO of Traceto. Chye is an able in banking acquiescence and has about 20 years of acquaintance with banking and basic markets in Asia, accepting spent a cogent bulk of that time with Macquarie Group and ING Bank. His aftermost role with Macquarie was Managing Director and Joint Regional Head of Acquiescence for all of Asia, afore affective on to after begin Traceto ancestor aggregation Cynopsis Solutions. Chye additionally serves as an Advisor to the Kyber Network.

Dias Lonappan is CTO and Co-Founder. Dias already has 4 years of acquaintance confined as a CTO in the blockchain acreage with Quantified Assets PTE. In this accommodation he ran several blockchain-based projects including healthcare analytics, aloofness aegis architectonics and recording of concrete assets based on user accessible keys.  

Gene Yan Ooi serves as Chief Data Scientist and Co-Founder of Traceto. He has been a Software Engineer at Cynopsis Solutions for the accomplished 4 years. He is the architect of one acquiescence band-aid artefact and additionally helped advance the Artemis KYC software system.

Dan Poh is CMO and Co-founder. Dan has served as Director of Sales for a year with Cynopsis Solutions. He has captivated assorted positions aural the banking area at institutions such as Barclays Capital, JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank, area he served as a Compliance Officer.

There are a cardinal of admiral alive with the Traceto ICO. Among them is Dr. Loi Luu, CEO of Kyber Network. As exchanges are one of Traceto’s above targets for their product, the captivation of Dr. Luu is absolutely promising.  

A abounding account of the aggregation and admiral can be begin here.

Traceto ICO Strengths and Opportunities

Traceto is not actuality congenital from scratch. With an absolute KYC artefact that is already breeding revenue, Traceto comes from a aggregation with a clue almanac of success in its ambition industry. With over 50 audience in the crypto amplitude utilizing Artemis, there is abounding befalling for acceptance of Traceto.

One able affiliation that has already been appear is with Kyber Network. Kyber intend to utilize Traceto as their agency of administering KYC. A high-profile affiliation such as this in the ambition bazaar could augur able-bodied against the ever-looming catechism of adoption. Furthermore, as ICOs abide to emerge, a abiding activity exists that could advice Traceto access both new users and action customers.

The aggregation themselves are additionally awful acquainted of and on the beginning of the authoritative acquiescence issues that currently abuse the cryptocurrency market. Many legislators about the apple are base the abridgement of authoritative blank in the crypto amplitude as a acumen to advance aback adjoin added adoption. Traceto is the artefact of a aggregation that has decades of acquaintance with banking acquiescence and authoritative technology.

To this accord, Traceto is congenital to accommodated the standards laid out by the Financial Action Task Force, a all-around authoritative ascendancy comprised of 35 affiliate countries that sets the all-embracing action standards for active money bed-making and costs of terrorism.

By accouterment a artefact that appropriately streamlines acquiescence with internationally agreed aloft standards, accurately tailored against the crypto space, the accepting of Traceto could advice fasttrack added boilerplate accepting and acceptance of blockchain technology.

Traceto ICO Weaknesses and Threats

There is no curtailment of ICO projects targeting the KYC and character affidavit market. Further, the bazaar appraisal of the absolute anti-money bed-making software bazaar is predicted to ability $1.4 billion by 2023.

The takeaway? There’s lots of blockchain antagonism in a alcove market. Traceto abode the antagonism administration via a allegory blueprint illustrating the differences amid their artefact and Civic, SelfKey and uPort.

While a bound bazaar in a faculty does represent a threat, it additionally presents an opportunity. What the above bazaar appraisal does not necessarily booty into application are two cogent trends that both angle to account Traceto.

Firstly, cryptocurrency is predicted to alone abide biting new markets and abound in acceptance over the abutting bristles years.

Secondly, as ahead mentioned, the boilerplate acceptance of cryptocurrency will about absolutely action via the addition of added acrimonious regulations that are heavily focused on KYC and AML legislation, accretion the appeal for such products.

Traceto are decidedly able-bodied positioned in allegory to the antagonism aural the crypto amplitude as these trends comedy out. Not alone does the aggregation accept all-encompassing acquaintance in the acreage of banking compliance, but they additionally accept a alive software artefact that is already acclimated as a KYC apparatus by both ICOs and cryptocurrency accompanying businesses.

The team’s real-world ability of authoritative acquiescence and absolute position aural the crypto amplitude as a KYC provider are two advantages that authority accurate affiance for the Traceto ICO.

Conversely, as a artefact that is accurately targeting the crypto space, if the authoritative ambiance takes a about-face for the worse, it will best absolutely impede any alcove bazaar advantage.

The Verdict on Traceto ICO

The Traceto ICO offers an important addition to convalescent the basement of the crypto space. With a aggregation that has an all-encompassing accomplishments in both RegTech and blockchain, Traceto is able-bodied assertive to advantage a acknowledged clue almanac and abduction their ambition market.

Still, development is still in the aboriginal stages and the success of the artefact rests heavily on its activity and account aloft deployment with ally like Kyber.

Learn added about the Traceto ICO from our Telegram Community by clicking here.

Having initially placed in the top 10% tier, consecutive developments back our aboriginal attending at the Traceto ICO (T2T Token) accept led us to decline the account of the activity to a pass. 



The Traceto ICO (T2T Token) offers a alive off-chain artefact with absolute partnerships – and a aggregation with absolute and accordant experience. These fundamentals accord the activity accomplished traction, and the growing crypto apple agency their KYC band-aid may acquisition a lot of accessible arms. But three threats antithesis out the befalling – a bound marketplace, annealed competition, and the anticipation of a bottomward accelerate in crypto absorption in an abortive authoritative environment.

Founding Team……………………….7.4


Token Utility…………………………..9.2




Progress To Date……………………7.6

Community Support & Hype…..3.5

Price & Token Distribution……..5.4


FINAL SCORE……………………….6.0



Today’s Date: 3/16/18

Project Name: Traceto

Token Symbol: T2T


White Paper:

Crowdsale Hard Cap: $30 actor USD

Total Supply: 1 billion

Token Distribution: 30% to TGE, 30% to Company, 25% to team, 15% to Marketing, Operations and Admin

Price per Token: 1 T2T = $0.10 USD

Maximum Market Cap (at crowdsale price): $100 actor USD

Accepted Payments: ETH

Countries Excluded: US, China, Canada

Bonus Structure: N/A

Presale Terms: Closed

Whitelist: Sign Up to Mailing List

Important Dates: TBA

Expected Token Release: TBA

Additional Information:

ICO Review Disclaimer

The aggregation at Crypto Briefing analyzes an antecedent bread alms (ICO) adjoin ten criteria, as apparent above. These belief are not, however, abounding analogously – our proprietary appraisement arrangement attributes altered degrees of accent to anniversary of the criteria, based on our acquaintance of how anon they can advance to the success of the ICO in question, and its investors.

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Cryptocurrencies and blockchain are arising technologies that backpack inherent risks of aerial volatility, and ICOs can be awful abstract and action few – if any – guarantees. You should never accomplish an advance accommodation on an ICO or added advance based alone on the admonition on this website, and you should never adapt or contrarily await on any of the admonition on this website as advance advice. We acerb acclaim that you argue a accountant advance adviser or added able banking able of your allotment if you are gluttonous advance admonition on an ICO or added investment.

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Founding Team

This class accounts for the leaders, developers, and advisors.

Poor quality, weak, or amateur administration can doom a activity from the outset. Advisors who serve alone to pad their own resumes and who accept aside roles can be concerning. But abundant leadership, with accordant industry acquaintance and contacts, can accomplish the aberration amid a acknowledged and assisting ICO, and a flub.

If you don’t accept a aggregation accommodating and able to body the thing, it won’t amount who is at the helm. Good aptitude is adamantine to find. Developer profiles should be scrutinized to ensure that they accept a accurate history of alive in a acreage area they should be able to succeed.


What is the technology abaft this ICO, what artefact are they creating, and is it new, innovative, altered – and needed?

The IOTA activity is a amazing archetype of engineers run amok. The technology declared or in use charge be maintainable, achievable, and realistic, contrarily the accident of it never advancing into actuality is abundantly high.

Token Utility

Tokens which accept no absolute use case are apparently the affliction off, although belief can still accomplish them accept some anatomy of value.

The best tokens we analysis are the ones that accept a affected use case – you charge accept this badge to comedy in some bold that you will apparently admiration to comedy in. The actual best account tokens are the ones which put the badge holder in the position of bartering tokens to businesses who would be able to finer accomplish use of the platforms in question.


There doesn’t accept to be a bazaar in adjustment for an ICO to account able-bodied in this class – but if it intends to actualize one, the altercation has to be acutely compelling.

If there is an absolute market, questions actuality absorb whether it is accomplished for disruption, whether the technology enables article better, cheaper, or faster (for example) than absolute solutions, and whether the bazaar is historically acquiescent to new ideas.


Most account accept several implementations. If there are others in the aforementioned field, the analyst needs to ensure that the others don’t accept accessible advantages over the aggregation in question.

Moreover, this is the abode area the analyst should analyze any abeyant weaknesses in the company’s position affective forward. For instance, a axiological weakness in the STORJ arrangement is that the badge is not appropriate for purchasing storage.


With abounding ICO ideas, the timing may be too backward or too early. It’s important for the analyst to accede how abundant appeal there is for the artefact in question. While the IPO bang adjourned a lot of abundant account that eventually did appear to fruition, a acceptable analyst would admit back an abstraction is too early, too late, or aloof right.

Progress To Date

Some of the atomic acute ICO propositions are those that affirmation their founders will accomplish some abroad goal, ancient in the future, aloof so continued as they accept your banknote with which to do it.

More absorbing (usually) is the ICO that seeks to added some advance forth the aisle to success, and which has a clearly-identified roadmap with accessible and reasonable milestones forth the way. Founders who are already partially-invested in their articles are about added invested in their futures.

Community Support & Hype

Having a able association is one of the axiological architecture blocks of any able blockchain project. It is important that the activity demonstrates aboriginal on that it is able to accomplish and body a able and empowered abutment base.

The ICO exchange is acceptable added awash and added competitive. While in the accomplished it was abundant to alone advertise an offering, today’s acknowledged ICO’s assignment adamantine to body acquaintance and action about their offering.

Price & Token Distribution

One of the better factors belief any assay is price. The lower the amount the added there is to gain. But too low of a amount may aftereffect in an beneath capitalized project. It is accordingly important to appraise amount about to the alone project, its ability and the bazaar it is activity after.

The absolute accumulation of tokens should additionally be justified by the needs of the project. Issuing a billion tokens for no acumen will do cipher any good.


Communication is key. The success of a activity is acerb angry to the activity leaders’ adeptness to acquaint their goals and achievements.

Things don’t consistently go as planned but acclamation issues and befitting the association and investors in the bend can accomplish or breach a project.