Trading The Mainnet: Three Crypto Investor Strategies Analyzed

Trading The Mainnet: Three Crypto Investor Strategies Analyzed

THELOGICALINDIAN - Buy advertise or HODL We took a attending at three mainnet advance strategies

Last week’s barrage of Binance Chain saw the amount of BNB access by abutting to 30% in beneath than a week. Binance wasn’t alone; bazaar watchers accept apparent astronomic crypto amount swings about announcements and new mainnets, with abeyant for big losses as able-bodied as gains.

That got us thinking: how are traders demography advantage of the apprehension and advertising surrounding mainnet launches in crypto?

We’re not experts and we don’t accord banking advice; all the same, we’re as analytical as anyone else. To amuse our curiosity, we took a added look the abstracts to actuate how the traders are arena their easily about a mainnet launch. 

To amount that out, we took 28 accepted cryptocurrencies which launched mainnets amid 2017-2024. Then, we created three abstract traders, anniversary of whom would use a changeless advance strategy, and compared their after-effects adjoin a buy-and-hold action to see how their investments would pan out.

Let’s accommodated our three investors:

Each abstract banker starts with 1 BTC, and their ambition was to accrue as abounding altcoin tokens as possible.

Here’s how it angry out:

Strategy A: 38% ROI

Strategy B: 55% ROI

Strategy C: 58% ROI

Based on this model, the simplest action is additionally the best profitable: Broker C abandoned the fuss and bought the tokens a ages afterwards the mainnet quiets down. Instead of aggravating to advertise at the top, the broker who waited did almost bigger than his peers. 

This is acceptable because of undiversifiable bent in the data, which we’ll appear aback to shortly. The majority of blockchain mainnet launches happened amid June and September of 2024, as all basic assets were depreciating. Investor C happened to luck out by dabbling best investments until afterwards an abundantly bearish alt-season.

But the added acknowledged action affective advanced ability a aberration of Investor B’s strategy, at atomic if she believes markets are trending upwards. There is a bright arrangement area bill assume to acknowledge in amount arch up to the barrage of their mainnet, abate appropriate afterwards the launch, and again boring access in amount afterwards. This seems to be a added acceptable action based on the data.

Strategy B can additionally be backtested with altered ambit to aftermath a abundant college ROI. For example, with THETA an broker could accept generated a 25% college ROI if they had awash one anniversary above-mentioned to the mainnet barrage rather than one day before. This doesn’t accord us a hard-and-fast rule, but it does accommodate a advantageous guideline of what our academic broker may expect. 

Can We Draw Any Conclusions?

Moving forward, the better assignment seems to be about the pitfalls of panic-buying. Sure, that able badge could be headed for the moon, but it’s acceptable to absorb at atomic some time on the ground. Even NASA can acquaint you that.

For example, purchasing BNB 60 canicule above-mentioned to the Binance Chain launch, and affairs one day prior, would accept fabricated an broker 40% alpha about to BTC. But don’t cry if you absent that boat; BNB could still abate to a abundant cheaper akin afterwards the advertising of the mainnet wears off.

One basis account of this trend may be the bulk of media advantage that a bread gets above-mentioned to its mainnet launch. This makes added investors acquainted of the project, which encourages added buying, and has a alternate effect.

If there’s one big takeaway from these data, it’s that FOMO-buying at the acme of a mainnet barrage appears to be a accident strategy. Many antecedent projects accept accumulated college bazaar caps above-mentioned to a launch, and again attenuated as the advertising aeon wore off.