WePower ICO Review and WPR Token Analysis

WePower ICO Review and WPR Token Analysis


Large calibration ability projects are awfully difficult to apparatus back it comes to cost, let abandoned those based on renewable energy. Yet, at this time back our altitude is at a crossroads, admission to renewable activity is added acute than ever. For any privately-funded blooming ability projects to be developed, accretion basic is the aboriginal footfall to acumen the end result. What if instead of relying on top-down advance from banks and institutional investors, ability developers had admission to basic at the grassroots akin from anyone, anywhere in the apple via cryptocurrency? This is the eyes of the WePower ICO.

WePower aims to admission the acceptance of renewable activity through the conception of a tokenized belvedere for ability activity developers to accession capital. The tokens issued by activity producers represent the activity they accomplish to aftermath and bear in the future. The WePower ICO archetypal allows for activity producers to barter anon with the blooming activity buyers (consumers and investors) and accession basic by affairs activity upfront, at beneath bazaar rates. Tokenization added allowances the renewables bazaar by accretion clamminess and accretion admission to capital. Admission to basic is decidedly important because the debt-to-equity arrangement appropriate by banks for loans against blooming activity projects has developed over the accomplished several years, authoritative it added difficult to advance non-subsidized, market-driven renewable activity projects. The tokenization archetypal developed by the WePower ICO allows for added admission to basic by clandestine projects by adorning the ambit of abeyant investors to actually anyone who can acquirement tokens. The afterward diagram provides an analogy of how tokenization simplifies the action of accepting allotment for a renewable activity project:

At the affection of this new belvedere is a bifold badge system- activity tokens accommodate acute affairs anchored on the blockchain and WePower (WPR) tokens facilitate trading on the platform. The activity badge amount reflects the amount of the activity itself and is accordingly almost stable. The functions of the WPR badge are categorical below.

CEO and Cofounder, Nikolaj Martyniuk, has an solid history of administration in the activity sector. He ahead served as CEO at Modus Energy, a renewable activity projects development aggregation and has added acquaintance above-mentioned to that in the ability sector.

Arturas Asakavicius is additionally a Cofounder of WePower. He has been practicing law for over 5 years and has all-encompassing acquaintance at the capital of law and finance. Arturas was arch of the start-up aggregation at Sorainen, a above law close in the Baltic region, as able-bodied as a affiliate of the accounts and clandestine disinterestedness teams. He concluded his time at Sorainen as a Senior Associate afore abandonment to assignment with WePower. He additionally currently serves as Chairman of the Lithuanian Fintech Association.

CTO of the WePower ICO, Kaspar Kaarlep, additionally comes from the activity sector. He spent about 7 years at Elektrilevi, one of Estonia’s better electricity companies, finishing off his account there as CTO. At Elektrilevi, he was amenable for the development and beheading of the company’s abstruse roadmap as able-bodied as the administration of the IT action architectonics for infrastructure.

Jon Matonis, Founding Director of the Bitcoin Foundation, is an adviser on the project. As his aboriginal advising role with an ICO, his captivation absolutely provides a acceptable absolution from a huge figurehead in the cryptospace and an arrangement of ability and access to account the activity as well.

The costs archetypal created by the WePower ICO incentivizes both producers and activity buyers to use the WePower platform. For producers, the archetypal deployed by WePower helps to admission acknowledgment on disinterestedness by 20-25%. This anticipation led to the aboriginal set of activity bearing audience to assurance up to use the belvedere (Conquista Solar, Civittas Projects, Novocorex) with a absolute of 1 billion EUR account of solar activity development projects abaft them. On the customer end, buyers acquirement activity upfront on the bazaar for a bargain cost. Since the activity rights are captivated aural a acute contract, activity that is not acclimated is aqueous and can be awash in the market. Buyers, therefore, accept admission to cheaper energy, application alone what is bare and reselling the rights to admission the surplus.

One of the best adorable aspects about the WePower ICO is that consumers do not accept to be blockchain adeptness to apprehend the allowances of application the account aspect of the platform. For abounding domiciliary consumers, WePower will be activated artlessly as a agency to acquirement electricity  (albeit one that offers bargain costs and easier admission to renewable energy). When because anchorage against the accumulation acceptance of blockchain-based products, casework that can calmly board users with no absolute charge to accept the basal technology are acute in bringing blockchain to the mainstream. A audience of the belvedere itself can be accessed here.

WePower’s partnerships appearance how actively some above players are demography the project. Their aboriginal affiliation was accustomed with Elering, an Estonian electricity manual company, with the plan to barrage a civic activity tokenization pilot in April, 2018. Beyond Estonia, the WePower ICO has accustomed additional partnerships in both Spain and Australia. This gives the activity three markets in which to calibration from the outset.

One of the better startup accelerators in the world, SBC, has called WePower as allotment of the Startup Bootcamp Activity Australia affairs to be its aboriginal portfolio aggregation application a tokenized archetypal to incentivize and facilitate blooming activity adoption. SBC has access to above players in the Australian activity area and we will be advantageous abutting absorption to area those access ability advance in agreement of added pilots and customer adoption.

The tokenization of electricity is one above use account that has afresh bent on in the blochchain space. A cardinal of agnate projects accept popped up, with a above competitor, Power Ledger, allusive for one of the aforementioned markets- Australia. High antagonism in this amplitude plays a absolute role all-embracing as a active force of innovation, but the implications for any alone company, including WePower, beggarly bazaar ascendancy is not guaranteed. WePower accept taken immediate to acclamation why they accept their activity is above to their competitors here.

One arrears we noticed while evaluating this activity is the abridgement of advance on the blockchain development side. There is little advance to be apparent on the Github and no absolute affirmation yet apropos any onchain products. With the ICO advancing up on February 1st, it would be added abating to see some added absorption on this front.

To put it simply, WePower accept accustomed an all-round amount abbreviation belvedere for affairs and affairs a article that is capital to every distinct being on the planet. Moreover, they’ve created that belvedere to accurately advance the renewables sector, to the account of both consumers and the planet. As with any new appliance of an arising technology like blockchain, the broader akin uncertainties abide in catechism as always. Still, we anticipate the WePower ICO holds a lot of affiance and we’re activity to abode a average admeasurement bet on this one.

Today’s Date: 1/11/17

Project Name: WePower

Token Symbol: WPR

Website: https://www.wepower.network/

White Paper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_OW_EddXO5RWWFVQjJGZXpQT3c/view

Crowdsale Hard Cap: $35 million

Total Supply: 340,000,000

Token Distribution: 55% to crowdsale, 20% to aggregation (lock up), 10% approaching (lock up), 15% association growth

Price per Token: 1 WRP = .00025 ETH (4000WPR = 1ETH) *subject to change afore crowdsale

Maximum Market Cap (at crowdsale price): $63 million

Bonus Structure: 25% benefit for presale, 15% benefit on crowdsale until softcap is reached

Presale Terms: Closed

Whitelist: https://wepower.network/#video-token-model

Important Dates: Crowdsale- February 1, 2024

Expected Token Release: TBA

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Founding Team

This class accounts for the leaders, developers, and advisors.

Poor quality, weak, or amateur administration can doom a activity from the outset. Advisors who serve alone to pad their own resumes and who accept aside roles can be concerning. But abundant leadership, with accordant industry acquaintance and contacts, can accomplish the aberration amid a acknowledged and assisting ICO, and a flub.

If you don’t accept a aggregation accommodating and able to body the thing, it won’t amount who is at the helm. Good aptitude is adamantine to find. Developer profiles should be scrutinized to ensure that they accept a accurate history of alive in a acreage area they should be able to succeed.


What is the technology abaft this ICO, what artefact are they creating, and is it new, innovative, altered – and needed?

The IOTA activity is a amazing archetype of engineers run amok. The technology declared or in use charge be maintainable, achievable, and realistic, contrarily the accident of it never advancing into actuality is abundantly high.

Token Utility

Tokens which accept no absolute use case are apparently the affliction off, although belief can still accomplish them accept some anatomy of value.

The best tokens we analysis are the ones that accept a affected use case – you charge accept this badge to comedy in some bold that you will apparently admiration to comedy in. The actual best account tokens are the ones which put the badge holder in the position of bartering tokens to businesses who would be able to finer accomplish use of the platforms in question.


There doesn’t accept to be a bazaar in adjustment for an ICO to account able-bodied in this class – but if it intends to actualize one, the altercation has to be acutely compelling.

If there is an absolute market, questions actuality absorb whether it is accomplished for disruption, whether the technology enables article better, cheaper, or faster (for example) than absolute solutions, and whether the bazaar is historically acquiescent to new ideas.


Most account accept several implementations. If there are others in the aforementioned field, the analyst needs to ensure that the others don’t accept accessible advantages over the aggregation in question.

Moreover, this is the abode area the analyst should analyze any abeyant weaknesses in the company’s position affective forward. For instance, a axiological weakness in the STORJ arrangement is that the badge is not appropriate for purchasing storage.


With abounding ICO ideas, the timing may be too backward or too early. It’s important for the analyst to accede how abundant appeal there is for the artefact in question. While the IPO bang adjourned a lot of abundant account that eventually did appear to fruition, a acceptable analyst would admit back an abstraction is too early, too late, or aloof right.

Progress To Date

Some of the atomic acute ICO propositions are those that affirmation their founders will accomplish some abroad goal, ancient in the future, aloof so continued as they accept your banknote with which to do it.

More absorbing (usually) is the ICO that seeks to added some advance forth the aisle to success, and which has a clearly-identified roadmap with accessible and reasonable milestones forth the way. Founders who are already partially-invested in their articles are about added invested in their futures.

Community Support & Hype

Having a able association is one of the axiological architecture blocks of any able blockchain project. It is important that the activity demonstrates aboriginal on that it is able to accomplish and body a able and empowered abutment base.

The ICO exchange is acceptable added awash and added competitive. While in the accomplished it was abundant to alone advertise an offering, today’s acknowledged ICO’s assignment adamantine to body acquaintance and action about their offering.

Price & Token Distribution

One of the better factors belief any assay is price. The lower the amount the added there is to gain. But too low of a amount may aftereffect in an beneath capitalized project. It is accordingly important to appraise amount about to the alone project, its ability and the bazaar it is activity after.

The absolute accumulation of tokens should additionally be justified by the needs of the project. Issuing a billion tokens for no acumen will do cipher any good.


Communication is key. The success of a activity is acerb angry to the activity leaders’ adeptness to acquaint their goals and achievements.

Things don’t consistently go as planned but acclamation issues and befitting the association and investors in the bend can accomplish or breach a project.