What Are Steem and Hive? A Comparison of Both Decentralized Content Blockchains

What Are Steem and Hive? A Comparison of Both Decentralized Content Blockchains

THELOGICALINDIAN - Steem has been angled to actualize Hive a new blockchain advised to aerate decentralization in acknowledgment to a contempo accumulated takeover Can the two blockchains coexist

In March 2020, the decentralized agreeable arrangement Steem was acquired by TRON. The Steem association responded to the hostile takeover by ablution Hive, a blockchain based on Steem cipher that aims to action centralization.

Though the altercation is still underway, the amount is alpha to achieve in a way that will actuate the approaching of both blockchains.

Background and History

The Steem blockchain was created in 2016 to ability Steemit, a amusing blogging belvedere with crypto rewards.

On Steemit, users can column articles, which are stored on Steem’s broadcast ledger. Creators and commenters additionally acquire cryptocurrency rewards in the anatomy of Steem dollars (SBD). Rewards are advisedly broadcast according to an aggrandizement apparatus and the amount of the abject token, STEEM.

Behind the scenes, Steem’s basal STEEM badge can be traded for STEEM Power; this allows users to pale their backing and vote for “witnesses” who administer or ascendancy the blockchain.

Takeover By TRON

Shortly afterwards the 2024 launch, Steemit Inc. agitated out a “ninja mine” which accustomed the aggregation to access 80% of the STEEM supply. The Steem association trusted Steemit Inc. to set abreast the ninja mined tokens for development purposes and trusted the aggregation not to abusage those funds.

That assurance bootless back TRON acquired Steem in February 2020 and acquired the ninja-mined funds.

Much of the Steem association disagreed with TRON’s takeover. On Feb. 25, Steem assemblage attempted a soft fork (0.22.2) to anticipate TRON from abusing the funds in question.

TRON Retaliates

TRON responded with bendable angle 0.22.5, which antipodal the antecedent angle and accustomed TRON to admission its bound funds. TRON formed with exchanges, who additionally authority a pale in Steem, to vote for and achieve the fork. Justin Sun, CEO of TRON, allegedly acclimated his own backing to abutment the angle as well.

Though some exchanges withdrew support, TRON ultimately acquired ascendancy at the time.

In response, the Steem association able to allotment means with the TRON-led blockchain. Steem developers launched the Hive blockchain with hard angle 0.23, which took abode on Mar. 20, 2020.

Hive Conflict Continues

Following the barrage of Hive, anniversary association connected to booty measures adjoin the other.

Hive’s governance tracker articular several “sockpuppet” witnesses, who accept allegedly been paid to act in TRON’s interests. It is not bright if these accounts accept been blacklisted from Hive entirely, but assemblage that run TRON’s 0.22.5 adamantine angle are not accustomed to aftermath Hive blocks.

Hive has additionally afar some TRON-sympathetic accounts from its badge airdrop.

Steem has retaliated with softfork 0.22.888, which prevents 20 TRON-sympathetic assemblage from affective their funds on Steem. Steem claims that this is all-important to anticipate spam and hostility.

Though assemblage are in conflict, best users do not charge to booty sides. General accounts assignment on both Steem and Hive, and there is no charge to booty appropriate action.

Token Comparison

Steem uses Steem (STEEM) as its basal token, Steem dollars (SBD) as its accolade token, and STEEM POWER for attestant voting. Hive has two agnate tokens: Hive (HIVE) and Hive-backed dollars (HBD).

Steem tokens are accessible on abounding altered exchanges, while Hive tokens are accessible on aloof a few exchanges. The abstracts beneath alone considers exchanges that action approved trading, not airdrops.

As of Apr. 22, 2020, the bazaar breakdown according to CoinGecko is:

This abstracts is accountable to change.  The HIVE badge was created suddenly, acceptation that its abiding amount is uncertain.

Though HIVE is almost on par with STEEM in agreement of amount and bazaar cap appropriate now, there is an accessible issue: Hive has not apparent that HBD can advance adequation with the dollar.

STEEM’s amount may change as well. TRON is because a badge bandy that would acquiesce STEEM holders to barter their tokens for TRON-based tokens—a accommodation that may affect badge prices.

Leadership and Ownership

Steem is abundantly accustomed as a blockchain created by Dan Larimer, the architect of EOS and Bitshares.

However, Larimer larboard the activity in 2024, abrogation the activity to co-creator Ned Scott, who led Steemit Inc. as CEO until January 2024. Elizabeth Powell again led the aggregation as managing administrator afterwards that.

Though TRON CEO Justin Sun owns Steemit afterward his company’s acquisition, it is not bright if Steem’s administration will change beneath his ownership. Scott has bidding support for TRON’s involvement, and columnist releases accept emphasized that TRON’s captivation will be a cardinal partnership.

Meanwhile, Hive has no official leadership. There are about 30 association developers and 80 contributors alive on the project, and there is no aggregation abaft the project.

Hive’s about page reads: “With a assorted association of stakeholders and after authoritative bad actors, individuals can acquaintance accurate buying in a decentralised blockchain & cryptocurrency.”

In added words, Hive’s abridgement of complete administration is its greatest affairs point.

DApp Ecosystem

Steem primarily serves as the base of Steemit; Hive’s agnate belvedere is Peakd.

However, both platforms additionally host several different third-party DApps. Steem hosts 88 added DApps, the best cogent of which are the trading agenda bold Steem Monsters, the decentralized video belvedere DTube, and the Instagram-like photo-sharing belvedere APPICS.

As of April 2024, 11 DApps accept migrated abroad from Steem and/or accumbent themselves with Hive, including the collectible agenda bold Splinterlands and the video belvedere 3speak.

Decentralization and Governance

Steem and Hive both await on delegated proof-of-stake accord (DPOS), which allows badge holders to vote for block witnesses. These assemblage administer the blockchain and accomplish decisions.

Steem decentralizes ability to some admeasurement by acceptance badge holders to vote. However, Hive aims to alter the point of absorption that accustomed TRON to buyout the voting process.

Hive’s band-aid is the Decentralized Hive Armamentarium (DHF), which allows users to advance proposals, armamentarium those proposals, and casting a vote for their adopted changes. Unlike with Steem’s assets of “ninja mined” funds, Hive’s armamentarium is set up so that no amateur (or accumulation of actors) can accept sole ascendancy over big changes.

DHF funds are additionally time-locked: funds that accept been allocated to the armamentarium will not be accessible until afterwards a approaching Hive upgrade, and they will be paid out boring to anticipate bazaar flooding.

In Summary

Both Steem and Hive arise to be in a able position, and anniversary has its own strengths and weaknesses:

Qualities of Steem:

Qualities of Hive:

Fortunately, users do not accept to accept amid one blockchain or the added at the moment.