What Is SingularityNET? Introduction to AGI Token

What Is SingularityNET? Introduction to AGI Token


What Is the SingularityNET?

SingularityNET is a decentralized, full-stack Artificial Intelligence (AI) arrangement featuring an AI-as-a-Service (AaaS) marketplace. The Netherlands-based activity aims to added AI development and implementation, and has partnered with companies such as Domino’s pizza. AGI is the proprietary cryptocurrency badge acclimated by SingularityNET.

“AI” is an awning appellation acclimated to call a host of abstruse advancements, from chatbots and home automation to abysmal learning, apparatus learning, and more. “Crypto” is a agnate appellation acclimated to beset blockchain, agenda currency, decentralization, broadcast computing, etc.

Despite our accepted abridgement of nuanced understanding, the accepted use cases of both technologies are growing exponentially. Chatbots, for example, are accepted to handle 85 percent of chump abutment interactions and Juniper Research estimated that 2.5 billion articulation assistants (Alexa, Siri, etc.) were in use at the end of 2018. (Yes, billion.)

The AI bazaar is accepted to abound in amount to $191 billion by 2024, according to analysts at Bazaar Research Engine.

Of course, AI additionally has its aphotic side, with Deepfakes accepting media drive afterwards Jordan Peele and Joe Rogan Deepfakes abashed the internet. Deepfake.org was taken down, but advocate software like Deepfake is forever online.

Still, SingularityNET wants to empower this market, alike partnering with Deep BrainChain (DBC), a agnate AI activity on the NEO blockchain. It broadcast partnerships in 2019 arresting deals with Chinese allowance behemothic and asset administration close Ping An and fast aliment behemothic Domino’s Pizza, Inc. to advice accumulate operations in Malaysia and Singapore.

These high-profile collaborations helped ballista the activity up into the cryptocurrency top 100 projects. And it’s not endlessly there; this startup additionally launched an accelerator in mid 2024 alleged X-Lab Blockchain AI.

Things are attractive up for this blockchain-based AI company, but it’s not after competitors, like the above Deep BrainChain and EOS-based Effect_AI (EFX). So let’s dive added into the activity by reviewing its AGI token, SingularityNET’s proprietary ERC-20 token, and its cryptocurrency bazaar performance.

AGI Token Cryptocurrency Summary

SingularityNET has a total badge accumulation of 1,000,000,000 AGI. The aiguille amount so far was $1.16 on January 18, 2024.

The SingularityNET ICO badge auction was captivated December 22, 2024, adopting about $33 actor account of ETH. The badge accumulation was disconnected at the alpha block as follows:

AGI is acclimated to tokenize affairs on the SingularityNET marketplace, advantageous for appurtenances and casework abundant like agenda currency. Hodlers can vote on arrangement decisions, authoritative it a babyminding token. The Reward Basin is withheld by the arrangement to incentivize accord on the network, although the exact methods of rewards are yet to be determined. The Reward Basin administration is set over ten years, and already exhausted, the association votes on whether to actualize a new basin or acclimate to new methods.

Staking AGI is all-important to become an AI Agent, which are the entities amenable for active SingularityNET acute contracts. Tokens are acclimated in abode of those acclimated by off-chain protocols to accredit cross-chain affinity after the charge of added built-in tokens.

AGI is accustomed on several cryptocurrency barter markets, including Binance, Coinbit, KuCoin, Ethfinex, and Tidex. An boilerplate of over $1 actor account of AGI is traded on a circadian basis, and trading pairs accommodate BTC, BNB, ETH, and authorization currencies like USD and KRW.

As an ERC-20 token, AGI can be stored in any ERC20-compatible wallet, including MyEtherWallet, Trust Wallet, and accouterments wallets from Ledger and Trezor.

Approaching the SingularityNET

The SingularityNET blockchain is a bit complicated, but thankfully the aggregation drew us a account to alpha with.

The platform’s APIs let developers admit accepted AI-related account abstracts into acute contracts.

Using Deepfake as an example, the affairs artlessly needs as abounding photos from as abounding angles as accessible to change the face in one video to addition person’s face. In this case, the images would be loaded into a acute arrangement by a seller, and the Deepfake developers would be buyers gluttonous angel abstracts to clarify their process. On the cast side, Deepfake could again become a agent of its AI-driven service.

This open, alternate exchange depends on acute affairs to facilitate the interactions, and on-network Agent nodes actualize a assurance arrangement to verify and action the transactions.

Agents rank assurance with anniversary added on a simple 1-0 scale, and the sum of these ratings is averaged in with AGI badge staking and added factors to actuate believability on a ample scale, alike automating the process.

In fact, as the belvedere grows, the aggregation hopes to body a full-scale, AI-powered network, able of administration alike the best complicated abstruse processes with ease. And the aggregation of over 50 is awful full-blooded in what this will take, boasting about a dozen PhDs amid them.

CEO and Chief Scientist Dr. Ben Goertzel is additionally administrator of the OpenCog Foundation and Artificial Intelligence Society, and the Chief Scientist at Hanson Robotics. Dr. David Hanson is the team’s Robotics lead, and Sophia, a humanoid robot advised by Hanson Robotics, serves as Chief Humanoid.

While Sophia absolutely looks impressive, engineers at tech giants like Facebook deride her as artlessly a high-tech boob with no accurate AI capabilities. It charcoal to be apparent if SingularityNET is the abutting footfall in AI’s change or yet addition PR achievement that amounts to nothing. As it stands now, the aggregation is absolutely accepting above partnerships that could monetize the project.

Major brands like Coca Cola are already spending big on AI afterwards acumen the abeyant upsides. If the partnerships with Domino’s and Ping An prove profitable, SingularityNET has a ablaze approaching ahead.


SingularityNET is an aggressive blockchain-driven AI exchange created by the aggregation at Hanson Robotics amenable for the Sophia humanoid robot. The activity is currently in beta and already accomplishment partnerships with above corporations. The sustainability of the activity depends on these key factors:

If it can abide leveraging technology and business buzz, the aggregation could accept a success on its hands. Even the best able projects can be fumbled, and there’s a continued alley ahead. But SingularityNET has so far able a lot in a baby aeon of time.