Breaking: IOG Confirms Cardano Smart Contracts Launch On Mainnet For September 12

Breaking: IOG Confirms Cardano Smart Contracts Launch On Mainnet For September 12

THELOGICALINDIAN - The longawaited mainnet barrage for the Cardano acute arrangement belvedere Plutus has been accepted for abutting Sunday September 12th 2024 The advertisement was fabricated by InputOutput Global IOG via its Twitter handle

The aggregation has submitted a amend angle about 17:26 UTC, according to the announcement. This will activate the third and final Hard Fork Combinator (HFC) accident for Cardano to absolutely apparatus acute arrangement capabilities. IOG said:

Furthermore, the aggregation said that Plutus will arrange the different HFC technology to accommodate into Cardano.

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The aggregation thanked the community, and ally for the abutment as it concludes the final testing appearance for Plutus. IOG added:

To bless the achievement, the Cardano developer will host a Livestream on Sunday. Therein, the aggregation abaft this belvedere will allotment added advice about Plutus, and its potential, as the aggregation prepares for the Cardano Summit.

Cardano Deals With Rumors About Its Smart Contracts

Over the accomplished weekend, rumors about Plutus emerged. Users on amusing media platforms, such as Twitter and Reddit, said that Cardano was clumsy to action abundant affairs to sustain their acute contracts.

Related Reading | Road To Smart Contracts: “It’s A Go” For Cardano

IOG bound responded to the rumors highlighting the account of its Unspent Affairs Output (UTxO) blockchain model. The aggregation addressed the apropos about affairs adage it’s allotment of the developers to architecture their dApps with assorted UTxOs and “more parallelism”. IOG added:

The artist of Cardano, Charles Hoskinson, additionally replied to the rumors on Plutus, and their transaction blockchain model. Via Twitter, Hoskinson said:

At the time of writing, ADA trades at $2,35 with a 17.5% accident in the circadian blueprint as best of the bazaar comatose in aboriginal hours.