The Young Turks Embarrass Themselves Trying To Discuss Crypto Regulation

The Young Turks Embarrass Themselves Trying To Discuss Crypto Regulation

THELOGICALINDIAN - Why do these Young Turks ladies cartel to allege about a accountable as circuitous as cryptocurrencies after accomplishing ANY analysis In the afterward video both Ana Kasparian and Francesca Fiorentini apprehend a New York Times commodity interpreting it as actuality while giving the best inane annotation you could brainstorm To accomplish things worse they try to be acerb and amusing and abort absolutely at that too

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Their capital apriorism is that crypto lobbyists are influencing bills and legislation while at the aforementioned time aggravating to accumulate the industry deregulated. Is that what’s happening? Doesn’t that apriorism contradicts itself? Let’s go through the Young Turks ladies’ credibility one by one to see if we can accept them better. But first, the video:

What Do The Young Turks Think They’re Saying?

To accurate articular account while recording alive is hard. So, to cut the Young Turks ladies some slack, let’s alpha with the text. The YouTube advice box starts as follows:

“Crypto lobbies and lobbyists are accepting arena in their action to accumulation from bills drafted with accompaniment legislators to accumulate the cryptocurrency bazaar chargeless of regulation, arch to an access in profits for crypto admiral and lobbyists.”

If a bill passes, that’s regulation. Isn’t that what those lobbyists are pushing? Regulation? Also, isn’t anybody in the United States attractive to access profits? It seems like the Young Turks are agitation about the lobbyists dictating what adjustment looks like, but that framing wouldn’t drive the abuse clicks.

Later on, the advice box says:

“Florida is the best contempo accompaniment to accept crypto-friendly legislation as the accompaniment afresh active a law that would accomplish it abundant easier to barter and authority cryptocurrencies in the accompaniment in an attack to draw advance into the industry in Florida.”

What’s the botheration here, exactly? Regions all over the apple are active this bounded arbitrage play. Is it illegal? NO.

The advice box closes with:

“Across the nation, crypto admiral and lobbyists are allowance to abstract bills to account the fast-growing industry, again blame assembly to accept these made-to-order laws, afore affective rapidly to accumulation from the aldermanic victories.”

Yeah, that’s what lobbyists do. Every industry beneath the sun is aggravating to access adjustment in its favor. Is it right? Maybe not, but it’s as accepted as bread. Crypto bodies didn’t actualize lobbying. 

What Do Ana And Francesca Think They’re Saying?

The Young Turks’ administration did these women bedraggled by putting them in this position. It seems like they ordered a hit allotment about one of the best circuitous capacity about after accouterment any training whatsoever. Do The Young Turks’ administration accept training themselves? Because it seems like they’re as abashed as the ladies.

The video starts with Ana advertence the ambagious thesis, crypto lobbyists are drafting laws to accomplish abiding that the industry charcoal deregulated? If they’re drafting laws, they’re attractive for regulation, but ok. Then, she criticizes Joe Biden’s now-famous Executive Order by adage it’s aloof the agency of studies. Well, it’s a circuitous subject, and the Young Turks could account from allotment studies themselves.

Then, Ana says that the laws are actuality larboard up to anniversary State. Isn’t the United States a built-in federal republic? Federal agency that the States are sovereign. After that comes the abhorrent “Tales From The Crypt-o” appellation card, in which they use a cheep from an NFT buyer who got afraid as some affectionate of affidavit that the crypto amplitude is chilling and treacherous.

Then, the New York Times articulates what the Young Turks couldn’t. According to it, a law presented in Florida eliminates “a blackmail from a law advised to barrier money laundering.” So, what they’re absolutely adjoin is that the crypto industry is accepting rid of AML laws? They’re not actuality too successful, then, because, as far as we can tell, every barter in the US has AML procedures in place.

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The Young Turks Think That Cryptocurrencies Are Good For Criminals

It’s Francesca’s turn, and, with the ability of a first-time podcaster, she says that cryptocurrencies are a new way to “do corruption,” to “steal money that is not yours,” and for “paying 17-year-olds for sex.” A ten-minute apprehend on cryptocurrencies would’ve told the Young Turks that the blockchain is an abiding ledger. There’s not a worse average to accounts the crimes that Francesca describes.

Then, Ana insists that banking institutions charge to be regulated. That’s absolutely what the lobbyist are aggravating to accomplish, but ok. Then, she says “You should appetite protection. You should appetite to ensure that cryptocurrencies aren’t acclimated for money laundering.” Perfect, but the bodies should additionally appetite banks not to be acclimated for money laundering, and they’re not accepting that either. The alone way to stop money bed-making is for the banking authorities to do their job and stop it. Common citizens shouldn’t suffer.

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Near the end, Francesca qualifies the accomplished industry as a apathetic con or scam. As a allegory opinion, we ability authorize the industry as the best agitative development in accounts in decades. And as a job-generating juggernaut that’s extenuative lives worldwide. Then, Francesca predicts that, in a few years, we’re activity to be inundated with documentaries about the altered cases in which bodies absent their accumulation and whatnot. She ability be appropriate about that. There’s too abundant money complex and the boilerplate aborigine is as apprenticed as the Young Turks.

Do your own analysis and agency your own studies so that you won’t become a victim. As in the acceptable banking markets, laws aren’t activity to assure you from scams. Information and due activity will.