ATM Company Satoshipoint Attracts Angel Investors
cryptocurrency news

ATM Company Satoshipoint Attracts Angel Investors

THELOGICALINDIAN - SatoshiPoint is one of the arch companies in the UK operating Bitcoin ATMs in several locations throughout the country SatoshiPoint Bitcoin ATMs were advised to action the best user acquaintance and acquiesce users to calmly buy and advertise Bitcoin at about aught or low processing costs

The aggregation afresh re-launched beneath the sole administration of Hassan Khoshtaghaza and accepted the aback of two Angel Investors who will be allotment the company’s amplification plans.

Hassan Khoshtaghaza, Managing Director of SatoshiPoint, commented;

“I’m absolutely aflame to be alive with the Angel investors and athrill to accession my aboriginal annular of funding. I accept so abundant absolute activity for the approaching of SatoshiPoint and attending advanced to seeing the business abound and acclimate to the needs of the crypto association in the United Kingdom and added afield.”

SatoshiPoint will be additionally abacus to its accepted locations of Old Street Underground London, Rathbone Place and, Bristol, Manchester and Swansea. These machines will be powered by General Bytes software enabling users to calmly buy or advertise bitcoins.

The aggregation is alive on a new website architecture and it is anon to barrage with a glossy new attending and web aperture to action Bitcoin Transactions. Satoshipoint is already planning addition annular of allotment and accession of a added Bitcoin ATMs at 15 added locations nationwide.

Orders over £10,000 will be met via clamminess from the investor’s agenda armamentarium the action will be managed by SatoshiPoint – acting as escrow provider – to ensure aught accident to all parties. Purchases beneath £10,000 can be fabricated anon through and will arise automatically in the user Bitcoin wallet.

Bitcoin merchant is abundantly increasing, so extending the options to access bitcoin is a addition to its growth. With added liquidity, service, locations and backing, the approaching looks actual able for the Company.

