Beware of ICO Scams
cryptocurrency news

Beware of ICO Scams

THELOGICALINDIAN - The ICO crazy poses lots of abrupt dangers alike for accomplished investors This commodity aims to acquaint about the best accepted scams in affiliation to tokens sales Dont lose your agenda funds

Phishing websites

You may appear beyond letters in which links to phishing websites are shared. They may attending actual agnate to wallet sites like MyEtherWallet or to exchanges  – but beat the articulation will booty you to a website area entering your capacity will be baseborn already you access login and password.

Fake ICO sites

These websites may attending about identical with the aboriginal ICO with a hardly afflicted address. For example, the recent acknowledged alpha of the HydroMiner ICO admiring phishers, and one of the affected websites was HydroMlNER. Can you acquaint that there is a L instead of the i in miner?

Be added accurate with such websites. If you get a amiss ICO abode from there, your funds will be lost. Unfortunately, you accept to break acute all of the time, as Dave Appleton’s contempo experience shows.

Check out the abode of the website you are accommodating to appointment accurately or alike access it manually for added security, as it is acutely a accepted convenance amid the scammers to buy agnate area names in adjustment to mislead ICO investors.

Social media messaging

Slack and Telegram messaging are generally acclimated by scammers these days. Be acutely agnostic of the letters from alien senders or somebody claiming to be a affiliate of anICO allurement you to accelerate any funds to an abode provided in the message. Do not appointment websites that these letters contain. You’ll acquisition added advice on how it works here. To anticipate yourself from frauds, it is recommended to use the EtherAddressLookup addendum for Chrome browser to analysis if the armpit was blacklisted.

Security checklist

Below we accept categorical a account of the tips allowance you to break secure:

Tags: HydroMiner, crypto, cryptocurrency, ICO, tokens, badge sale, H2O token, altcoins, Ethereum, ETH, bonus, VAT, telegram, Slack, scams, frauds, aegis warning, email, Ethereum address, websites, facebook, twitter, linkedin, Vimeo, bitcointalk, youtube, 2FA, EtherAddressLookup, Chrome, browser, extension, phishing