Bitcoin Price Falters; Just a Correction?
cryptocurrency news

Bitcoin Price Falters; Just a Correction?

THELOGICALINDIAN - We accept apparent absolutely a lot of bullish activity in the bitcoin amount throughout the end of the weekend and during Mondays affair and in our twicedaily bitcoin amount watch allotment that we appear bygone black we appropriate that if a fundamentally apprenticed bazaar affect based on what is accident in Greece can abide to accumulate authority of asset prices there could be added bullish drive to appear As it happens accepting accomplished highs bygone aloof shy of 280 collapsed with apparent article of a mediumterm alteration in the bitcoin amount and absent about 10 throughout the Asian affair The catechism now is is this aloof a shortterm cocky as a acknowledgment to the bullish activity and a assertive akin of profittaking agnate to what we ability see in the Forex markets or has the uptrend into an end and we set for added downside drive during todays affair Reality we dont absolutely apperceive but we can band up our key levels adjoin both abandon of the bitcoin amount and use our intraday blemish action to draw accumulation behindhand of direction

So, with this said, booty a quick attending at the blueprint below.

bitcoin price

As you can see, accepting abatement from highs at 278.54 bygone evening, the bitcoin amount now trading amid what serves as in appellation abutment at 264.94 (intraday lows) and in appellation attrition at 267.99. These are the two levels that we will be watching during today’s session. If we get a breach aloft 267.99, it could atom a acknowledgment to the upside drive we accept apparent throughout the aboriginal bisected of this week, and would validate 271.67 as an antecedent upside ambition activity forward. Conversely, a breach beneath 264.94 would accompany 260 into comedy to the downside medium-term, with a stop accident about about 266 collapsed advancement a absolute accident accolade contour on the trade.

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