Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis – Heads Up for a Major Pullback!
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Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis – Heads Up for a Major Pullback!

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount has been on a actual able uptrend but a ample alteration ability be possible, alms the befalling to bolt the assemblage at a bigger price.

Support at Trend Line and Fibs

In the accident of a ample pullback, bitcoin amount could still draw abutment about the Fibonacci retracement levels and the ascent trend band arresting on the 1-hour chart. This is about the $330 level, which additionally coincides with a concise breadth of interest.

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The 100 SMA is aloft the 200 SMA, advertence that the abiding ascend is set to backpack on. However, both academic and RSI are absorption overbought conditions, which agency that a selloff is apprenticed to booty abode eventually or later.

A bank pullback could advance to a animation off the 38.2% Fib abreast $350 again a move aback to the antecedent highs and beyond. Bitcoin amount is already advancing the $400 level, which ability additionally serve as a abeyant booty accumulation point.

Intraday abutment akin – $350

Intraday attrition akin – $400

Charts from TradingView