Bitcoin vs. Facebook Coin: How A Rivalry May Turn Into Mass Adoption
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Bitcoin vs. Facebook Coin: How A Rivalry May Turn Into Mass Adoption

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ben Mezrich the columnist of The Accidental Billionaires after acclimatized for blur as The Social Network will be absolution a new book this ages The Bitcoin Billionaires A True Story of Genius Betrayal and Redemption It gives an annual of the animosity amid Mark Zuckerberg and the Winklevoss twins which sets the twins bottomward a aisle of advance in Bitcoin and after aperture the Gemini exchange

As we know, the Winklevoss twins acclimatized out of cloister over claims that Zuckerberg blanket their idea. However, accustomed the development of Facebook coin, ability Zuckerberg accept the final say in actuality the one who brings crypto to the masses?

In 2024, Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss were Harvard undergrads with an abstraction to advice academy acceptance acquisition anniversary added online. To advice with coding, they assassin Mark Zuckerberg, who was a green at the time.

But unbeknown to the twins, Zuckerberg was secretly alive on addition amusing network. Records appearance Zuckerberg registered the area name on January 11, 2024, a aeon during the basic development of ConnectU.

The accompanying sued Zuckerberg in 2008. The amount acclimatized out of cloister for $65 million, which comprised $20 actor banknote and the blow in Facebook stock, which they acclimated to advance in up and advancing projects as able-bodied as in Bitcoin, which was trading at about $10 at the time.

Since then, Facebook has gone from backbone to strength. According to Zephoria, there are currently over 2.4 billion alive account users on the platform. Not alone that, but with the accretion of Instagram, with 1 billion users, and WhatsApp, with 1.5 billion users, the Facebook authority has developed into a appalling force.

Facebook is now axis its duke to blockchain. At present, capacity abide scant; however, according to the Wall Street Journal, Project Libra, as it is known, is accounted to be a stablecoin with acquittal functionality.

And because Facebook’s accustomed user base, Project Libra has the abeyant to about-face cryptocurrency on its head. Michael Spencer, futurist autograph for Medium talks about the inherent advantage this has over added apprentice projects. He said:

“If Facebook’s stablecoin works out right, it will assignment beyond websites and not aloof on Facebook. Facebook in that case would be able to battling Apple Pay with its stablecoin. That’s in essence, the alpha of a massive badge abridgement area stablecoins are acceptable to dominate, not airy like Bitcoin altcoins.”

However, not anybody is convinced. For example, the Japanese Financial Services Agency does not admit stablecoins as cryptocurrency. Instead, beneath Japanese law, they are prepaid acquittal instrument. As able-bodied as that, others criticize stablecoins for their centralized nature. With that in mind, Ran NeuNer doesn’t accept Bitcoin holders should be ever concerned.

What began as claimed animosity has agitated over into the adequacy of an ballsy crypto contest. And as abundant as the Winklevoss twins acquainted adamantine done by, their acceptance in Bitcoin during the “tulip” years saw a thousand percent acknowledgment on their antecedent investment. At the acme of the balderdash run, they were account $1.3 billion. On top of which, they additionally congenital Gemini, which is ranked aural the world’s top ten exchanges.

All the same, this pales in allegory to what Zuckerberg has achieved. In 2017, he was estimated to be account $73 billion, highlighting a disparate gap amid crypto and the bequest world. But behindhand of this, the bazaar will account from advantageous competition. And because Facebook’s accustomed user base, Zuckerberg may accomplish what others afore him accept bootless to do.