Boost VC’s Tribe 6, Now out in the Wild to Make a Killing
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Boost VC’s Tribe 6, Now out in the Wild to Make a Killing

THELOGICALINDIAN - Boost VC a wellknown accelerator amid startups and the bitcoin association afresh had a audience day for its latest accomplice Boost VC acquired the absorption of the bitcoin association afterwards it started absorption alone on bitcoin and blockchain based startups for a brace of programs Since again the accelerator has broadcast its focus amid two arising technologies Bitcoin and Agenda Absoluteness The agenda absoluteness articulation includes startups and entrepreneurs who are alive on aggrandized absoluteness and basic absoluteness technologies

October 8, 2024 saw the graduation of the 6th accumulation of startups accelerated by Boost VC. The accelerator prefers to accredit to these startup batches as Tribes and Tribe 6 had 21 startups from bitcoin and agenda bill sectors commutual an accelerated three ages program. Startups accommodating in Boost VC Tribe 6 audience day included – Beloola, Binary VR, CoinUT, Baydream Blue, Ease VR, Epiphyte, Fearless VR, Janus VR, JoyStream, LingoLand, Lexika, Pixel Ripped, Plump, Surreal VR, Unimersiv, Unocoin, Virt, Vizor, VRChive, VR Showroom and Wealthcoin.

CoinUT is a bitcoin options barter and trading platform, aboriginal of the affectionate to be based on blockchain. The aggregation is based out of Singapore. CoinUT offers assorted bitcoin trading options to its users. Traders can either accomplish use of the platform’s bifold options affection or stick to boilerplate trading options to buy and advertise bitcoin.

Epiphyte is addition Boost VC alum cryptofinance company. Previously champ of Innotribe Startup Challenge in 2014, Epiphyte offers action akin fintech solutions for banking companies to advice them accommodate their casework with cryptofinancial networks. Based out of San Francisco, Epiphyte offers technology that enables banks and banking institutions to conduct all-embracing money alteration over blockchain by converting authorization to bitcoin afore transmitting it and after converting it aback to authorization on the added ancillary by a bounded tender.

Founded by Bedeho Mender. JoyStream is a BitTorrent applicant with bitcoin integration. JoyStream allows seeders to monetize their bandwidth addition to the community. Seeders on a torrent arrangement can allegation bitcoins to seed/upload content, enabling them to admission or download content.

Unocoin is a arch bitcoin barter based out of Bangalore, India. Apart from approved barter options, the belvedere additionally offers altered bitcoin advance affairs for its users. The aggregation has partnered with BTCJam and to accredit loans and cashing out Amazon Mechanical Turk credibility respectively.

Wealthcoin is a bitcoin advance belvedere that allows users to advance in assorted stocks and bonds with bitcoin. Individuals can accept the portfolio they ambition to advance in based on their accident preference. The belvedere ties allotment to the advance of bitcoin and the affiliated portfolio of stocks and bonds.

Demo day apparent the achievement of Tribe 6’s dispatch program. These portfolio companies will abide to accept abutment from Addition VC as they adventure out into the absolute bazaar and body a business out of their products. Meanwhile, Addition VC is advancing itself to acceptable the new accomplice for the abutting round. Applications are currently accessible for startups to be allotment of Tribe 7.

READ MORE: Boost VC Bitcoin Accelerator Accepting New Entries