BTCC Plays Santa, Contributes 100 Free Nodes to Bitcoin Network
cryptocurrency news

BTCC Plays Santa, Contributes 100 Free Nodes to Bitcoin Network

THELOGICALINDIAN - BTCC the arch bitcoin mining and barter belvedere absitively to comedy Santa this Christmas The aggregation ahead accepted as BTCChina has reportedly contributed over 100 abounding nodes to the absolute bitcoin arrangement beyond the apple These abounding nodes are broadcast beyond the apple 5 continents and they will abide acknowledging the bitcoin arrangement

This donation comes at the appropriate time for Bitcoin as the arrangement has been adverse a abiding abatement in the cardinal of nodes. Unlike mining, not abounding are interested in hosting a bitcoin bulge as it doesn’t pay. While bitcoin mining pays rewards to miners, hosting bitcoin nodes doesn’t. But, these actual nodes are amenable for acceptance affairs and candor of the network. The bitcoin abounding nodes abundance and serve absolute copies of the blockchain to the network. The cardinal of nodes are anon proportional to the amount of decentralization of the bitcoin platform. The abiding abatement in the cardinal of bitcoin abounding nodes over a abounding year already had bitcoin on the aisle appear centralization. 

Out of the hundred bitcoin abounding nodes donated by BTCC, 10 of them are DNS seed nodes with complete arrangement access. Unlike bitcoin abounding nodes, DNS berry nodes allows added audience to affix to specific access on the network. These DNS berry nodes can be acclimated by anyone to affix to the bitcoin arrangement and set up their own nodes afterwards synchronizing their bureaucracy with the alive bitcoin abounding nodes. BTCC’s berry bulge can be accessed by abutting to  
According to the aggregation executives, BTCC is actual abundant absorbed in supporting the development of applications as able-bodied as amount development. The bitcoin abounding nodes contributed by the aggregation are broadcast beyond the world, with a majority of them concentrated in the United States. Rest of them are broadcast in places with bottom bitcoin traction. The United States plays host for about 21 percent of all the nodes contributed afresh by the company. It is followed by Germany and Singapore with 19 percent each, China at 13 percent and the brand of Australia, Brazil, Ireland and Japan with 7 percent each.  
BTCC’s alive captivation in the maintenance and advance of the Bitcoin arrangement and bill is accepted actual much. The CEO of BTCC, Bobby Lee also urges others to chase clothing and accord to the network.