BTCC Launches Bitcoin Trading Platform, Offers 20x Leverage
cryptocurrency news

BTCC Launches Bitcoin Trading Platform, Offers 20x Leverage

THELOGICALINDIAN - BTCC has launched Pro Exchange a trading belvedere boasting of abundant appearance for the atom trading of basic bill Bitcoin

One arresting affection of this belvedere is, that the traders who would use it will be able to aerate their profits as they will get 20x advantage on atom trading.

This advantage is the accomplished in the industry and Pro Exchange will additionally acquiesce the traders to accept back to booty delivery, which is addition different affection that could advice it acquire acumen adjoin added leveraged Bitcoin trading platforms.

Currently, the barter is active a trading contest which will aftermost till November 23, 2015, and has advantageous prizes for winners.

Bobby Lee, the arch controlling administrator of BTCC, apparent the barter at the Money20/20 console captivated at The Venetian.

Money 20/20 had beforehand witnessed a abundant acclaimed audience on new Proof-of-Concept by DocuSign and Visa.

In a columnist agenda issued for the media, the aggregation summed up Pro Exchange in the afterward words:

Pro Exchange is a Bitcoin allowance trading platform, that allows investors to barrier adjoin Bitcoin amount volatility, or accompany assets from Bitcoin amount fluctuations.”

Lee additionally said that “Pro Exchange is an avant-garde accession to our growing set of agenda bill casework that allows agog investors to barter on and barrier adjoin Bitcoin volatility.”

Michael Fok, BTCC’s carnality admiral added, that BTCC’s Pro Exchange is addition archetype of how we advance the cryptocurrency casework bazaar by alms our barter beat casework that are unparalleled in the industry.”

Fok after quipped that this Bitcoin barter is for traders and advised by traders.

Pro Exchange additionally says, that back it offers traders stop orders hence, they would be chargeless from ecology the bazaar frequently.

The stop orders buy or advertise a position whenever the bazaar alcove a assertive amount and they are advised to be awful acceptable in the contrarily airy market.