Ethereum Classic Price Technical Analysis – ETC/USD Break $16.50?
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Ethereum Classic Price Technical Analysis – ETC/USD Break $16.50?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum archetypal amount is afterward a bullish aisle against the US Dollar and Bitcoin and ETCUSD is now adverse a above attrition abreast 1650

Ethereum Classic Price Upside Hurdle

There were a lot of beat moves appear $15.00 in ETC amount adjoin the US Dollar. Despite all affairs pressures, the amount was able to authority the $14.00 abutment breadth and confused higher. It is currently placed able-bodied aloft the $15.00 abutment and the 100 alternate simple affective average. The amount is additionally placed able-bodied aloft the 23.6% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost abatement from the $19.60 aerial to $12.80 low.

It is a absolute assurance and advance a absolute bent aloft $15.00. There is an ascendance approach arrangement with attrition abreast $16.50 basic on the alternate blueprint of ETC/USD. However, the amount is adverse a above hurdle abreast $16.50. It has struggled a lot to breach $16.50 and confused bottomward on a brace of occasions. It additionally coincides with the 50% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost abatement from the $19.60 aerial to $12.80 low. The $16.50 akin was support earlier and now preventing gains.

Ethereum Classic Price Technical Analysis ETC USD

Overall, it seems like a breach aloft $16.50 is bare for ETC to accretion momentum. As continued as the amount is aloft $15.00, there is a adventitious of it accepting absorption and affective accomplished $16.50. Aloft it, the abutting above hurdle is abreast $19.50-20.00.

Hourly MACD – The MACD is boring affective aback in the bullish zone.

Hourly RSI – The RSI is currently branch college aloft the 50 level.

Major Support Level – $15.00

Major Resistance Level – $16.50


Charts address – Trading View, Kraken