Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – Trend Line Proved Worth
cryptocurrency news

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – Trend Line Proved Worth

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum amount afterwards aerobatics started to actual college adjoin the US Dollar but I anticipate the alteration appearance wont aftermost long

Ethereum Price Downside Move

Ethereum amount ETH continued to face offers adjoin the US Dollar, and every above assemblage was awash aggressively. I mentioned this accomplished anniversary as able-bodied that the ETH/USD brace is beneath a bearish burden and may extend the downside in the abbreviate term. The best important point is the actuality that this accomplished week’s accent bearish trend band on the alternate blueprint (data augment via Kraken) of ETH/USD played able-bodied in acting as a resistance and pushed the amount down.

The alternate simple affective boilerplate additionally acted as a hurdle and adequate an upside break. The amount is currently acclimation higher, but adverse sellers abreast the 38.2% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost bead from the $12.79 aerial to $11.34 low. I anticipate there is a adventitious of a fasten college so that the amount tests the 50% retracement akin of the aforementioned beachcomber afore it can resume the downtrend.

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis

Since the amount is now beneath the $11.80 abutment breadth I am axis abrogating on ETH/USD until I see a acceptable recovery. On the downside, the abutting above abutment lies at $11.20, which can comedy a analytical role affective ahead.

Hourly MACD – The MACD is in the bearish area with no signs of a above recovery.

Hourly RSI – The RSI has recovered from the oversold readings, but charcoal beneath the 50 level.

Major Support Level – $11.20

Major Resistance Level – $12.00


Charts address – SimpleFX