The Fantastic Four Winners
cryptocurrency news

The Fantastic Four Winners

THELOGICALINDIAN - The success of the First Global Credit Trading competitions is due to the adeptness and chain of the bodies who accept to booty allotment We accept old accompany who accept traded with us from about the alpha These bodies accept assisting alive accounts who like the claiming of pitting themselves adjoin others We accept added bodies who accept never traded with us before


Each antagonism is different, not alone because the bodies demography allotment are altered but because alive bazaar altitude are consistently in flux, consistently presenting new challenges. This time, traders who fabricated the aggregate of their money trading bitcoin FX were activity to accept a adamantine time authoritative headway. The alone affair in their favour, it’s a akin arena acreage and all the bitcoin fx traders were activity to accept a adamantine time authoritative a profit. But in the Fantastic Four Antagonism a college cardinal of players acclimated bitcoin FX to try to access their aggressive edge.

It is additionally absorbing to agenda that of all the bodies demography allotment in the competition, over bisected of the traders arena were at atomic somewhat in profit. But amid those traders who were assisting 1.2% of them fabricated over 70% of the profits. Since there could be alone 4 winners, I anticipate it should be acclaimed that bodies absolutely fabricated an accomplishment to aggressively barter a advanced array of strategies. And for so abounding bodies to be assisting during actual difficult trading altitude speaks to the affection of the bodies demography part. So after added delay, I’d like to acquaint you to the assorted and absorbing accumulation of traders who accept won the Fantastic Four Trading Competition.

Winner – Futures Trading Category


Alejandro is a consecutive administrator and ancestor of 4 who not alone enjoys futures trading, but a affluent and alive affairs as well. He has not taken a position in bitcoin but observes several groups. He has apparent several of First Global’s competitions advertised, but his absorption was affronted back he saw that this time we had added futures to the agenda of accessible markets.

Interviewer: What was your action that let you do so able-bodied in the competition?

I accept abstruse not to barter the noise. I accident abundant to aerate my accessible basic admitting I was a little overinvested several times during the competition. But I accept abstruse to be patient, cat-and-mouse for the appropriate moment to access the market. Once I am in a trade, if I’ve got the administration right, I authority assimilate it and add to my position. When I accept the altitude are about to change, again I exit. To adjudicator the bazaar altitude for a trading accommodation I assay commutual markets.

Interviewer:  Which futures did you barter to win the competition?

I alone traded the S&P, 10 Year US Treasury Notes and Gold. I did not use bill about-face to move out and into bitcoin.

Interviewer: When you alpha trading the acceptable account, what are your affairs for the profits you will make?

I plan to alpha immediately. I’m not absorbed in application the profits. I plan to leave them in the annual to let the basic increase.

 Interviewer: Did you ascertain or apprentice annihilation during the antagonism you’d like to acquaint us about?

I abstruse that you accept to be acquainted that annihilation can happen. You charge to be accessible for abrupt things.

Interviewer:  Is there anything you ability accept done abnormally in hindsight.

Yes of course, always. But allurement that catechism is not advantageous because in absolute time you never apperceive what will happen. Hindsight is 20/20.

Interviewer: Tell us about any memorable trades you fabricated during the competition?

I bethink one continued S&P barter area I went continued at 2030. I added to the position several times and exited at 2080. In hindsight I exited too anon as the bazaar eventually accomplished 2105!


Winner – Stock Trading Category

Perica is a appropriately affiliated software developer active in the admirable country of Montenegro. He has a babe who is actual important to his happiness. While he works in development, he is additionally a bitcoin holder who brand to occasionally barter stocks and options. We interviewed him to acquisition out how he did so able-bodied in the banal trading class and to apprentice a bit added about his trading style.

I aboriginal abstruse about the Fantastic Four antagonism on the NewsBTC website. “I said to myself, this is great! Exactly what I needed. Now my bitcoin can be put to work. Because it was consistently annoying to me that the basic I accept in bitcoin is aloof sitting there ‘only in bitcoin’. It is time arresting and big-ticket (trading fees and the time for all-embracing coffer transfers) to be in bitcoin back I am bullish and back I am not so agreeable with bitcoin to charge to get authorization from a bitcoin barter and put it about else. And if I’m amiss and cull out of bitcoin, (which I am actual often) I may absence big move and after get beneath bitcoins for the aforementioned money.

I adulation competitions and competing. After all, trading is, itself, a array of competition, (In my apprehensive opinion). So I absitively to try for myself in the Fantastic Four Competition. I didn’t anticipate I could get to the top of the account but with a bit of luck I did.

It was abundant experience. When you are aggressive there is consistently burden to trade. During accustomed trading you ability canyon on some opportunities because you are not so confident. But in a antagonism you accept to accord it a try – afterwards all the added competitors apparently won’t canyon on it. Also, you never apperceive how abutting the added traders are abaft you and how far abroad are the ones advanced of you!  This burden kept me aggravating to accord my best every day. Keep attractive for new trades all the time. It was angry bazaar moves and angry with added competitors at the aforementioned time.

Winner – Bitcoin Fx Trading Category


Eric is a accurate Renaissance man who at age 35 has been complex in the bitcoin ecosystem back 2013. His best contempo ability is the ablution the ‘bitcoin crammer report’ at He acquired abounding of his own bitcoins through mining. We bent up with Eric during a breach in his aggressive active agenda to ask him about his opinions about the trading antagonism and the bitcoin bazaar in general.

Interviewer:  Do you use bitcoins to buy things?
Sure! When I can. I adulation acknowledging the bitcoin ecosystem.

Interviewer: What was the action that let you do so able-bodied in the competition?

I traded some stocks, had some acceptable runs. Also traded a few futures but I did not accept abundant luck in futures. Then I confused all my profits into bitcoins.

Interviewer:  Do you accept an assessment on why bitcoin has started to acceleration afresh afterwards accepting traded in a ambit for so long?

Yes, I accept it is due to added boilerplate adoption, access in account exposure, added blockchain believers, etc. I accept it is still way beneath priced.

Interviewer:  Do you accept any account about what will move bitcoin appear boilerplate acceptance? Large merchants like paypal and amazon anon accepting bitcoin will advice – or back they alpha application some affectionate of blockchain technology.

Interviewer:  What do you anticipate the amount of bitcoin will be a year from now?

$999,999 per coin!

Interviewer:  Would you like to body a career based on trading?

Yes. I appetite to be the worlds’ greatest cryptocurrency trader.

Interviewer: When you alpha trading the acceptable account, what are your affairs for the profits you will make?

I will abound my portfolio to be captivation millions of dollars’ account of bitcoin.

Interviewer: Did you apprentice annihilation during the antagonism you’d like to share?

Yes. I abstruse a ton.  Go big or go home. Break focused, break non-objective and break fearless!

Interviewer:  Is there anything you ability accept done abnormally in hindsight.

Stay focused and don’t jump into moves after the able due diligence. Look at archive at altered time scales.

Interviewer:  Is there annihilation abroad you would like to say about bitcoin or the trading.

Yes. Bitcoin TO THE MOON!

Winner – Overall Trading Category


I originally ran into Entheogenism on the appointment and arrive him to accompany the competition. He did accompany and by the end had accomplished a top rank. He is abounding of able opinions and is actually addition Renaissance man with a huge cardinal of assorted interests. Among these accomplishments he is a self-styled crypto enthusiast and decade-long FX and banal trader. A transhumanist-futurist, artistic writer, aggressive being absorbed in amplitude colonization & animal enhancement. His cheep contour is @Entheogenism for those that appetite to affix added anon with him.

Here’s a cantankerous area of his comments about the antagonism and cryptocurrency in general.

I use Bitcoin & Ethereum to action on dice & gaming sites. I would use btc to pay Lyft, AirBNB and Expedia if I bare to, but this hasn’t appear up yet. I additionally use bitcoin to buy on Steam or buy Amazon / Walmart allowance cards & about-face to authorization to pay bills.

Thoughts On himself

I accord and am alive in transhumanism/futurism groups a lot added than crypto-related ones. However, I’ve been an alive BitcoinTalk appointment affiliate back Feb. 2024 and accept been on some added crypto forums as well, admitting sparingly. I’ve acclimated bitcoin faucets back 2024. I use them alike now, admitting abundant beneath than years ago, of course. I accept chargeless or ad-based crypto/wealth administration to unbanked and/or poor bodies is acutely admired because contrarily they cannot participate online.

Thoughts on the antagonism and the FGC platform

During the antagonism I did not use the bill about-face system. As far as I am anxious it would be simpler, added affected & acceptable to artlessly add FX bill pairs trading instead. I begin your belvedere arresting in that admitting it lacked FX, it did action alone stocks. A ridiculously ample bulk of them, in fact, far added than any FX agent or bitcoin armpit you’ll acquisition (and I’ve advised about all of them, for years). The ETFs & bond/Index Futures you action are intriguing, however, they don’t assume applied except for a several-months/years even, appearance of trading, as those instruments booty eons to apparent (finally) some macro amount moves, compared to alone stocks. So, I focused my trading on the DOW (DIA), NASDAQ and the better IT Tech stocks exclusively. I fabricated best money with NASDAQ by far.

Thoughts on bitcoins

BTC/USD amount dynamics in 2009-2024 reflected the actuality this was a new technology that afflicted the apple dramatically, with unknowns as axiological as ‘Gregory Maxwell in 2024 anticipation he would go to bastille for alive on bitcoin’ and ‘Satoshi was so afraid about actuality a bitcoin dev/founder that he eventually abolished in 2024, abrogation affairs to Gavin Andresen.

So, actuality you had article that the apple had never apparent before, aback creating a gold rush, yet with ginormous precedents annoying bodies about ‘going all-in’ on this: Liberty Reserve, 2012-2024 acknowledged troubles. MegaUpload. Napster. eGold. There were so abounding internet projects that were agnate in a lot of ways, that had got shut down, afore BTC, that bodies were afraid, the accomplished way, until in November 2024, the US Congress, broadly accepted to countenance abnormally BTC if not absolute try to ban or banish it – Instead, acclaimed that crypto/bitcoin was a absolute invention!!!! They were blessed bodies would use it!!!! WHAT?? REALLY? So of advance the amount went ballistic in mid-Nov-2024 up to backward December, by which time China’s captivation had appear to a austere band-aid due to their axial coffer abhorrent any big accounts academy from application BTC (as it was accounted too risky/destabilizing).

These 2 behemothic BTC amount bubbles in 2024 abandoned badly in aboriginal 2024, helped alike added by Mt. Gox’s final collapse. Crypto afresh took 1.5 years to balance from this drop, alike as institutional & accumulated advance abounding the scene. In backward 2024 afterwards the August banal bazaar all-around alarm (from China), affluent Chinese were acutely afraid about basic controls actuality imposed. So, they rushed to BTC, for the aboriginal time in such numbers again, back 2024. This was in accession to the russian MMM ponzi’s charge for a advantageous account agent to move funds about – bitcoin was absolute for this. When these inflows pumped BTC’s amount in Oct 2024, bodies took notice. They had continued accessible the signs of the ‘pump’ which should appear from advancing the July 2024 block accolade halving btc event. So, as anon as they saw this rise, they jumped in. This pyramid aftereffect is what acquired the price, almost brackish / hitting cheers throughout 2014-2024, to assuredly acceleration & advance such college floors, during backward 2024 & all of 2024 so far.

Winner award-winning accounts will be opened tomorrow. You’ll be able to chase the winners and watch their allotment ascend on the FGC blog or by afterward us on @firstglobalcredit on Twitter.  and approaching accessories on performance.

About Author
The columnist of this commodity is Marcie D. Terman, Communications Director at First Global Credit.